
12 Eerie Events That Happened but Can’t Be Explained

Although we can usually find a reason for most things that happen to us, some situations just leave us in shock.

Thanks to the internet, some people have decided to share online the chilling events they experienced that had a profound effect on them.

You might assume that the stories we’ve collected in this compilation sound like something out of a horror movie, but these are real events from real people.

An empty room

About a year ago I was up watching late-night movies when I got hungry and went downstairs for a snack. My room is opposite my daughter’s room and her door was open. On my way back upstairs, I started to turn left towards my room when I heard, as always, “Dad, can you close the door?” | he turned, didn’t say much, and just hung up.

Once I was back in my room I laid down in front of the TV when it hit me… my daughter wasn’t there. She spent the night

at my parents’. I got up and went to her room and it was empty.

I woke my wife up and she thought I was crazy.

She said I must be tired and maybe it’s the TV. I remembered the voice so clearly and it came from the direction of her room. It’s very possible that it was just my imagination playing tricks on me, but it made me question a few things. © TheLatinGerman / Reddit

Missing day

Once lost a whole day. I went to bed on Monday and woke up on Wednesday. It was a seemingly normal day with college, work, and interactions with people, including my family.

However, I couldn’t remember the day it ended.

When I woke up the next morning I was convinced it was Tuesday and when people tried to remind me of the previous day (saying things like “We had those classes yesterday” etc) I had no memory at all. Missing day. © Starlot / Reddit

House in the woods.

My mother lives almost alone in the forest.

It gets completely dark at night, no street lights or lights from the neighbors, only a small path leads to her house.

One night she was awakened in the middle of the night by clear footsteps on the gravel, followed by three knocks on the front door. She called out “hello” and looked outside, but there was nothing there, only silence. © Ingfrior / Reddit

A pleasant threat

I was dozing on my parent’s couch, though not comfortably because I was cold.

Then I felt a wave of warmth go through me which was nice enough until I felt these firm pointed fingers on my head like something was standing behind me with hands on my head.

I was scared, but then he grabbed them and threw them off me.

A few minutes later my mom came in and said she heard the door open and felt like she should check on me. It’s probably just a dream, but it was super, super creepy. © Dr__Snow / Reddit

Stalking horror

The same car drove behind me all week. After the second day, I became very suspicious, so I stopped in a parking lot on the way. The car followed me to the parking lot and we both waited there for 15 minutes. When I got back on the road the car was still following me.

This continued for several more days.

Then, one night while I was walking my dog, I saw the same vehicle following me. Several hooded figures got out of the car and began to slowly approach me. In fear, I picked up my dog ​​and ran. I never saw the car again and people often dismiss my story as paranoia. © Carthagodelendaest61 / Reddit

That terrifying scream

When I was 16, I decided to skip school and stay home to play video games. I set up my PlayStation and made some hot pockets and as I was getting comfortable I heard footsteps approaching my room. I looked outside and noticed that my parents weren’t home yet, but I was still afraid that they would catch me. With nowhere to hide, I froze in place.

Suddenly the door flew open and I could hear the sound of blood clotting echoing through the house. I had to sit there petrified in that room for half an hour before I finally came out and waited for my parents to come home. I tried to explain to my friends later what happened, but they thought I was just making up some Internet-inspired story. © lAmTheRules / Reddit

Interesting stars

One strange thing that happened to me was this: some friends and I were hanging out one summer evening when we were about 15 years old. It was night, clear, and we were all lying on a friend’s trampoline in the backyard. We just talked and looked at the stars.

Suddenly we were all like, “What the hell? Did you see that?” We all swore we saw a formation of stars trading places with each other. They left a sort of shooting star tail before settling back into their new positions. They were all moving at the same time. It was strange and the three of us seemed to see the same thing. © slane4*1 / Reddit

The last goodbye

When I was 9, my father died and said goodbye to me in his way. I randomly woke up in the middle of the night to see him sitting at the end of my bed (he only died 4 days ago). He didn’t say anything, he just reached over and put his hand on my leg in a reassuring way.

I screamed and left the room crying because it scared me quite a bit, but I remember it as clearly as if it happened yesterday. Over the years I have come to terms with him saying goodbye and I feel much more at peace with his sudden death. © colorado_sunrise86 / Reddit

Mobile remote control

When I was a teenager I had a stereo remote control on the edge of my bed frame. One night around midnight I was woken up by my stereo playing static on me. Not only that, but it was getting louder. I could see the volume number going up and up. So in the pitch-black darkness, this static was getting louder and louder and the controller wasn’t in its usual place for some reason.

I had no choice but to jump out of bed to turn it off.

I turned on the light and was horrified to find it.

Under my bed. Deep under my bed in that middle point that is super hard to reach. © some southern guy / Reddit

Night terror

I woke up in the middle of the night and thought I saw a person in my apartment. From the bedroom, you can see into the living room and back and forth this figure walked. Then he crouched by the front door and waited.

I woke up my wife and told her that someone was in the apartment. Grabbing the large flashlight we have by the bed, I slid off the bed and ran towards the figure. When I got there it was gone!

The next morning my wife told me she didn’t remember anything but I swear someone or something was in our living room. © w*r_walrus / Reddit

Grandpa’s last wish

I was 6 and I remember playing in my room when Grandpa came in and talked to me for a few minutes. After a while he got up and said to me, “Be a good girl for mommy,” he kissed my forehead and left.

After about 5 minutes, my mom came in, hysterical, and told me that my grandpa had passed away overnight. We had to drive to two states to see the family where he lived. © shayluhhh / Reddit

Shaking bed

One day when I was about 10 years old, I was alone at home in the room I shared with my brother. We had bunk beds and I was laying on the top bunk when the bed started shaking pretty well for a good 5-10 seconds. I was scared but plucked up the courage to look down under the bed on the bottom bunk and there was nothing there. I jumped off and left the house and waited on the porch until my parents got home.

These chilling stories remind us that the line between the natural and the supernatural can sometimes be thin, even if we can’t fully explain it. Each of these experiences left a lasting impression on those who experienced them, whether it was a mysterious voice, an inexplicable event, or a moment that blurred the line between dream and reality.

These stories are even more disturbing because they come from ordinary people who have encountered something extraordinary, which makes us wonder if we could ever face a similarly terrifying event ourselves. While we may never have all the answers, these stories offer a glimpse into the unknown and serve as a haunting reminder of the mysteries that surround us. If you enjoyed this collection of real-life spooky encounters, there are countless more waiting to be shared, each as creepy and mysterious as the next.

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