
12 Verified Incidents That Demonstrate the Existence of Spirits

The accounts shared here offer glimpses into a mysterious realm of the supernatural, where the lines between the living and the dead seem to blur. Whether these experiences are manifestations of spirits or products of our own minds, they leave an indelible mark on those who encounter them, prompting contemplation and reverence.

From children conversing with unseen entities to unexplained phenomena witnessed by adults, these stories challenge our conventional understanding of reality and invite us to explore mysteries that lie beyond our understanding. While skeptics may seek rational explanations, the visceral nature of these encounters defies easy dismissal, leaving us haunted by the possibility of forces beyond our understanding.

As we delve into these stories of the mysterious and the unexplainable, we are reminded of the profound depth of the human experience and the enduring fascination with the unknown. Whether believers or skeptics, these stories force us to confront the mysteries that lie at the heart of existence and contemplate the true nature of our reality.

Although some people deny the existence of spirits and ghosts, certain life events lead us to reevaluate this belief.

In the stories we will tell today, people have reported feeling or seeing the ghost of a loved one or experiencing strange, unexplained events. However you feel about these events, one thing’s for sure: they’ll all give you chills.

A year had passed since my grandfather’s death and my little brother was nowhere in the house. He can be seen giggling and babbling as if someone was with him thirty minutes later in Grandpa’s room. Years later, she still visits that room looking for him. I wonder if he saw his ghost or something. © Reddit/Cabron_Sito

When I was fifteen, my close friend Ashley was killed in a car accident. After a year or two, my brother, who was three years old, was playing behind the couch. He clearly assumed he was talking to someone because he was giving them hand signals. I froze when he suddenly stood up and asked, “Who is Ashley?” © Reddit/TomCalJack

It was a few weeks after my grandfather died. One afternoon, my cousin and I visited our grandmother. My grandmother and several other family members left us to go shopping.

My cousin was in the bathroom when I heard my grandfather’s voice, “Richard!” as I waited for several friends to return across the street. “Did you hear that?” I ask my cousin and follow suit. He says, “Yeah, sounds like grandpa.” in response. Even now we still hear his voice. © Reddit user baker3484

My grandmother died before my child was born and at the time I was a single mother living alone.

Since the baby went to bed early, I decided to go get something from the neighbor and grabbed the babysitter. I seem to remember asking for a cookbook, though I could be wrong. My son was tossing and turning in his sleep and I could hear it about halfway through our yards. I listened for a while and then I heard a soft chant, an ancient tune with my name on it that my grandmother used to sing to me.

I lay down on the grass, let it play for a while, and started to cry. © Cynicism / Reddit

It happened once, in April 2018, which was about three months after my grandmother passed away. Around one in the morning, I was washing the dishes and no one was home. My grandmother, dressed in a white dress, seemed to be floating across the room when I turned around.

I threw away the dishes, called mine, and sat in the bathroom. I screamed as the electricity suddenly went out in the house. I was shocked when my parents came home for about two months. © Reddit / Instagram-normies

A few weeks after my grandfather passed away, I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep when suddenly my phone started playing jazz music from the 1930s. It was little more than a ringtone. I checked to see if I had any apps open but nothing and that was only for ten seconds or so. Also, my phone had no music playing at all when this audio file started playing randomly.

When I asked my mom what music my grandfather liked to listen to the other day, she replied with a YouTube link. While it wasn’t exactly the same, it sounded a lot like what was being played. Although I was a little scared at the time, I believed that my grandfather was trying to connect with me in some way. I mourned his passing deeply. © Reddit / Kablam29

A friend and I were once discussing a terrible story when suddenly the conversation stopped. No, she didn’t turn it off; instead, our communication stopped. Suddenly there was a loud breathing sound from my phone. I dropped my phone and jumped out of bed.

When I called my friend fifteen minutes later, she informed me that she also heard something, but it wasn’t heavy breathing; instead, she heard someone growling into the phone and making strange noises. This incident made me start to believe in ghosts. © Reddit/Namjoon72662

Although I had never met my great-grandfather before, I waved goodbye to something invisible when I was about 3 years old at my grandmother’s. I answered their question, “Great Grandfather,” but they didn’t believe me until I later identified him in one of the pictures. © Reddit / inc_complete

My mother inherited a house on the coast from her parents who died a few years apart and we go there every summer.

One evening this year, my mom and I are sitting in the living room. She watches TV and I read a book. I was sitting right under the extinguished ceiling light bulb. When I tell my mom I’m having trouble seeing my book, she says, “My dad could have fixed it.” Please turn on the light, Dad, so he can read.” And the bull clicks right away.

We exchange looks and a surprised smile. My mother tearfully added, “Pop-pop could always fix anything.” © Reddit/nycblackwidow

My mom and I were looking at a photo of my grandmother that we kept on our bookshelf shortly after she passed away. She was never a kind person. Quick to steal and lie, yet she denied help to everyone until she died.

My mom didn’t like my grandma either.

Anyway, I said that she wasn’t actually grinning in the picture and that she never grinned in real life.

The grandmother’s mouth in the picture split just as my mother nodded her agreement with me. The next day, Mom deleted the photo. © Reddit / Chango_D

My grandmother lived with us at my place after my grandfather passed away a few months ago.

As I sat at the kitchen island, I wrote in my journal, expressing how much I missed him and hoped he was okay. I thought I felt a hand grab my wrist, so I turned quickly to see who it was. I realized with a start that it was probably my grandfather letting me know he was okay. © Reddit/thataurushoe

My father died. I went home when I learned the truth.

Since my parents didn’t live together, they each had a house. My mother lives in a two-story house and is disabled. It is very difficult for her to climb and descend stairs.

Upstairs was my former bedroom. My husband and I arrived at the house around 2 am.

When he fell asleep, my husband and I were lying in bed. I was too angry to go to sleep. There was a crack in the door and I noticed a shadow pass by.

I assumed it was my mother making sure I arrived home safely.

 he went downstairs for coffee after a few hours of sleep and Mom was waiting for me.

I replied, “Thanks for checking on me last night.” She said, “I didn’t go upstairs at all last night,” with a confused look on her face. It must have been my dad checking me out. © Reddit/S*EPikachu

Our children’s stories about their past lives are another kind of narrative that sends chills down our spine and makes us feel uneasy. This collection will take you back to your early years and make you consider the true meaning of life.

The stories shared here offer insights into the mysterious and unexplained phenomena surrounding the spirit realm and the afterlife. Although skepticism may prevail among some, the vivid experiences these individuals recount challenge our understanding of reality and encourage reflection on the existence of an unseen world.

From encounters with deceased loved ones to terrifying events that defy rational explanation, these stories evoke a sense of wonder and curiosity about the mysteries of life and death. Whether these stories are interpreted as signs from the outside or simply the workings of the human psyche, they leave an indelible impression, prompting conversations and reflections on the nature of existence.

As we navigate the complexities of our mortal existence, these stories serve as reminders of the enduring connections we share with those who have departed and the enduring mysteries that lie beyond the veil of the unknown. Regardless of one’s beliefs, these encounters with the supernatural challenge us to explore the limits of our understanding and embrace the wonder and uncertainty of the universe.

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