
14 Accounts of Men Whose Behavior is Difficult to Understand

While some individuals are remembered for their heroic deeds, others are so unlikely that it is difficult to find anything positive to say about them.

They may act with some rationality, but it is usually incomprehensible.

When our daughter was born, my husband expressed his desire for a son. He indicated that it was time to start working on the boy a year later. I simply wished I could have waited a few more years. I didn’t mind.

“If you don’t do it, someone else will!” my husband insisted.

He moved out when our daughter was three.

It was revealed that he had been seeing someone else for two years and she was expecting a child. After a protracted divorce, he even demanded to keep half of our silver. After two years, he received another long-awaited heir. Eleven years have passed since then.

Recently my ex’s mother called me and asked me to get together. Even though I didn’t want to, I agreed.

It was revealed that the ex-husband was divorcing. They weren’t his children. When his new wife discovered he was having another affair, she filed for divorce.

He threatened to seek sole custody of their sons.

Afterward, the woman claimed that a DNA test showed that they were not his descendants. Since we had a daughter together who is his only child, my ex’s mother wanted me to reconcile with her son and accept him back. Naturally, I refused. © VK / KMP

It was a really hard birth, my second.

After being detained in the maternity hospital the next day and then released, my daughter was taken by ambulance to the city hospital. So I went home alone. Via bus.

And my husband?

“I’m so tired after work,” my husband commented. Take a taxi.” We get on well with him now.

He is great with the kids and pays child support.

Sometimes we discuss different topics. Although I never forgave him, I learned my lesson.

Now I have a fantastic husband. © Pikabu / Lights.DA

I rode a bike. When the chain broke, I fell and suffered two broken arms. When I told my husband on the phone what happened, he said, “You’re such an idiot! How are you going to take care of the baby, cook and clean?” And shortly after that, we broke up. What’s the point of living with someone who isn’t interested in you? © Pikabu / Pomore

I went on a date with a male model when I was in college.

While there is nothing wrong with this job, his behavior was “typical” for a male model. He was all self-promoting, talked over me, kept talking about how successful he was because of his “looks”, got angry when I pointed out that Ding wasn’t rocket science, made me pay for my coffee, and then proceeded to say that he is doing well and wants to see me more often. No second date was planned. © Reddit/Light_The_Way

I asked about our situation on the phone with my husband while he was at work. He said, “It’s okay.”

Everything was done an hour ago. Right now we are playing a game while sitting with colleagues. I can’t play at home because my desktop PC broke.” I was shocked! “Okay, I’ll show you what’s what,” I replied. “Lan, there are games at home too!” Come enjoy the washing machine or vacuum cleaner, you can play with our children © Mamdarinka and VK

Although my father never paid child support, in 2008 he gave me a laptop along with a receipt for €1,000. My dad recently called me again to check on the laptop. He started yelling that I ruined a fantastic, almost indestructible device that cost him 1200 euros (the invoice was for 1000) when he realized I got a new one and insisted that I had to return the laptop in any condition.

I’m not sure if I should refund him or throw away the old laptop at this point.

After all, it was a gift and he never gave me any financial help or paid child support. I regret taking anything from him. © Heard/Ideer

My husband constantly complains about how demanding his job is. He only works for a while when he sits there and spends most of his time on the phone. Then he returns home as if he had a very hard job.

Please finish the dishes. I had to leave for ten long hours of work. Yes, your job is really difficult. He also gets paid $21 an hour to spend all day sitting on his ass. © Reddit/Blitzg 4893

My husband wants me to help him get our toddler ready in the morning while he sits on the toilet for twenty minutes and then takes a shower. I’m on maternity leave, so 90% of the time I’m taking care of the newborns. My husband’s problems would also be solved if he started getting ready twenty minutes earlier. Sometimes at four or five in the evening, she wakes up with our newborn and they just sit and watch movies together while he sleeps. © Reddit / Chickypotpie99

I went on a blind date with someone I thought was amazing. He said I was “average” and that he had higher expectations. That’s fine, but when I showed him pictures of my dog, he called him a moron. No!

I took about two bites of the most expensive dish on the menu that I ordered. I packed the rest into a box for my dog ​​and left! © Unknown Author/Reddit

His former mother raised a total domestic invalid. He could starve while I was at work and the fridge was stocked with food. All because that food was a plate of steaming food right under his nose in his head.

After a few months of living together, he learned to take the cooled soup out of the fridge and consume it. It took him another month to figure out how to operate the microwave. Before our wedding, he could make tea, wash dishes, and prepare modest meals. Now he was ready for life on his own! © VK / Dried

The husband is employed from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

He believed this would be the ideal routine: leave work at the end of the day, go out with friends, come home, and sleep until the next day. Every day. Man, I’m alone. © -burgers / Reddit

I spent two years of my life with a man. You put in a lot of work.

He was constantly worn out and late home. Of course, I was worried about it, but I had to go with it.

He texted a lot with other girls, but nothing special happened.

He just started talking to someone late at night.

Then a woman texted me. She saw me writing to him and wanted to know my relationship with him. According to her, they had been dating for several weeks.

I gave the man our texts and directly asked him how he could justify this. He closed the door on me and told me to ignore it because he had work to do. I haven’t heard from him since. I have a wide range of understanding. But how come after two years of dating a man has nothing to say about what he did? · VK / Chamber 6

My husband loads the dishes in the sink without cleaning the basic food residue first. There is no garbage collection. Never owned a disposable appliance. Also, even if the inevitable large food particles get into the sink, it never clears the drain and continues to use the sink normally until a boggy mass of water forms preventing the water from draining because too much food clogs it. Even so, he’ll just let it go and trust that it will eventually go away on its own.

I’m always the one picking up bits of stale food. It’s repulsive. And yet, it’s the least annoying thing he does, and I’m very grateful for that. In many other ways, we are absurdly compatible. It’s a good problem to have leftover food in the sink. © Reddit/HangerBits257

A woman was sitting next to me on the bus. Being a shy guy, it took me a while to gather my thoughts. Then I had an idea. Using my phone’s text editor, I noticed that it was quite attractive. After she thanked me, we started talking.

I enjoyed everything about her, including her freckles and the tone of her voice. When I got off the bus I was excited to meet such an amazing girl. I just missed her phone number.

Navigating relationships, whether romantic or family, can often bring challenging and frustrating situations to light. From partners who neglect their responsibilities to those who exhibit reckless behavior, it’s clear that some individuals can be exceptionally difficult to deal with. The stories shared illustrate a spectrum of negative experiences, from absent or ungrateful partners to individuals who simply fail to meet basic expectations of kindness and respect.

In each case, the common feature is a sense of disappointment and unfulfilled expectations. Whether it’s a spouse who shirks his responsibilities, a partner who disrespects you, or a family member who takes advantage of your generosity, these situations highlight the importance of clear communication and mutual respect in relationships. Open grievance resolution and boundary setting are critical to maintaining a healthy dynamic.

Finally, it is important to recognize and accept that some individuals never change. Learning to stand up for yourself and make decisions that prioritize your well-being can lead to healthier and more fulfilling relationships. The goal is to find a balance and ensure that those who are important in your life contribute positively rather than detract from your happiness.

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