
16-Month-Old Baby Weighing More Than an Eight-Year-Old, Forced to Wear Father’s Clothes and XXXL Nappies”

The size and weight of a baby boy have become a major cause of concern for his mother, who has resorted to dressing him in his father’s clothes due to his size. At just 16 months old, Muhammad Kenzi Alfaro weighs an astonishing 60 lbs, which is significantly more than the average weight of an eight-year-old child.

According to his mother, Pitriah, they face significant challenges while carrying him, and their stroller cannot support his weight since he cannot sit or stand on his own. She also revealed that they struggle to find size XXXL nappies for him in their town, and they often have to make do with XXL nappies that are too small for him.

Kenzi’s weight has ballooned in the last year, and his mother claims that his father’s clothes are the only ones that fit him, but even then, they can be too small for him at times. Pitriah revealed that the family only uses the XXXL nappies when Kenzi sleeps at night to save money since the ones they usually buy for him aren’t strong enough.

The baby’s weight gain has caused concern among health visitors, who have been providing intensive outpatient care since December. Now, Kenzi is undergoing tests at Hermina Bekasi Hospital to determine if any underlying health condition has caused his weight gain.

The Health Minister, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, has ordered officials to monitor the case and provide treatment. The baby’s weight gain is a cause for concern, and his parents are doing everything they can to help him lose weight. It remains unclear what caused Kenzi’s weight gain, but the family is hopeful that the tests will shed some light on the matter. For now, the family is focused on helping their son live a healthy and happy life.

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