
16 Women Who Experience Constant Drama in Their Marriages

While there are many adventures in family life, the lives of the heroines in this article seem particularly epic.

You never know what can happen when a husband or wife tries to play father, apply their wife’s cosmetics, or decipher their significant other’s clues.

My husband doesn’t help with the kids, so I panicked. I left him alone with them and went for a bike ride, which I had never done before.

Two hours later, I returned to a messy house with torn curtains, a dog hiding under the couch, a cat perched on a ceiling lamp, and various other items. In addition, my husband was chased by my children when he tried to run away from the house. Rehearsed / Idea

At the beginning of Sunday, the toilet flush tank went out. My husband decided to fix it. When he shouted something at me from the toilet, I didn’t hear him. Then he came back, pleased with himself because he had fixed it. My husband yelled, “Spit it out!” how he ran after me when I ran to brush my teeth.

It turns out that since his brush was electric, he used mine to clean the pipes. My husband was yelling at me from the bathroom, but I didn’t hear him. Even after he went to get me a new toothbrush, I couldn’t get rid of that “wonderful” feeling in my mouth.

Weekends are my favorite. © VK / department 6

Being a perfectionist, my husband is always looking for something wrong with me or my work.

I just recently made my first apple pie. I wanted to surprise and cheer up my husband, so I gave it my all.

When he got home from work, he sat down and started telling me what I did wrong, saying things like, “The frosting could be sweeter.” It’s burnt on the bottom. No caramel formed on the apples.” “You know, for the past 12 years you’ve only been criticizing everything I do or say!” I retorted, getting tired of it. “We’ve been together for 11 years,” he replied © Mamdarinka and VK.

“My husband did my makeup and took the term ‘eyeliner’ too literally.”

I made a cherry pie for my husband’s parents.

However, it turns out that my father-in-law is allergic to cherries. “Didn’t you know your father was allergic to cherries?” I started cursing my husband.

How come you didn’t tell me?” It turns out that he knew what kind of filling I was making and even saw it, but he just didn’t think to inform me. My father-in-law claimed that he did. Eat sweets, which greatly offended me © Vanilla / VK

My husband meets new people easily. The next day we went by train. When my sneakers got blisters, my husband went to get bandages. Thirty minutes later he came back with a patch and told us he had found us a free place to stay for the week. His new friends had an empty apartment and they wanted us to stay there. Thirty minutes into the conversation, individuals entrusted their position to someone with such ease that it surprised me, but that’s exactly what happened.

Our newfound friends refused to accept money so we gave them none. As a result, we gave the owners a glass of caviar and ten kilos of fruit when we left and hired a cleaning service.

My husband’s ability to make friends and communicate effectively always amazes me. That’s something I’ve never been able to do and I don’t even know how. © VK / Department No. 6

I am reading a book and enjoying tea and cookies in the kitchen. My husband walks in, grabs a stool, and sits in front of the fridge.

He carefully opens it and asks, “What should I make a salad out of?” My ‘cook’ removes eggs, fish, meat, mayo, and crab sticks after five minutes. He puts them all in a bowl and starts eating it with the bread.

He replies, “Where are the vegetables and herbs in this salad?” “Well, Mary, I’m not a herbivore!” he replies that I must have meat. © Mamdarinka and VK

“My newly purchased $72 moisturizer. Hubby said he needed something for his elbows.”

My husband irritates me. She steals his food and carries it home. After milking, she leaves the plate wherever it is: on the shelf, by the bedside table, in the living room, bedroom, or even next to the sink.

If I don’t have clean dishes at home, she says I’m a bad housewife. Now that he was trying to find them, there were no dishes at all. © Secret stories / VK

My husband finds it incomprehensible that every time I return from a walk with our two-year-old boy, I am exhausted and angry. Then I sent him and the baby for a walk. And I planned an exact course for him: park, playground, supermarket. Besides, they didn’t expect him back for two hours at the earliest. They returned home exactly two hours later, the husband, red-faced and sweaty, and his excited son eating ice cream.

He shouted: “He ran out into the road, I followed him but he was so fast I spilled coffee on myself!” as soon as he reached the door. When I caught him, we left the stroller in the park.

After returning to the park, we continued to the playground. As I bent down to fasten my laces, the little critter started eating the sand! And all the other children followed him.

Then he decided to fight the bird. No, fight, not chase! Then I had to go to the field and repack it. The baby jumped off the bench and headed for the swings as I went to dispose of the diaper. Before I knew it, he was dressed and in his stroller. I’m exhausted, he yells, but then I realize we still have to go to the grocery store.

This is a grocery bag. I have cake, juice, chips, and chocolate for you. I am impressed with your ability! It’s not as easy as work! I need to rest, so go take a bath now.” My husband never blamed me for anything after that walk! © Mamdarinka and VK

After folding the clothes, the husband places them on the ottoman at the foot of the bed. Then he questions my decision not to wash his dirty laundry. I’m sorry; I assumed it was clean and you haven’t put it down yet. Maybe he’ll throw it in the trash next time. © Reddit / Atomic Rutabaga

“How my husband eats donuts:”

We traveled here yesterday to see my husband’s country parents. My husband and I took our 6-year-old daughter for a walk together. Our daughter asked me to make her a twig wreath after she came across a field of dandelions. Being a city girl, I’ve never experienced anything like this, so I was a bit confused.

However, my husband quickly made a wonderful wreath for my daughter and then built one for me. My husband sighed at my silent inquiry and uttered three words: “4 younger sisters.” © Mamdarinka and VK

My husband and I wanted to divorce.

We cursed and shouted at each other.

We seemed to have a lot of complaints against each other.

He approached me the night before the trial and began to talk about his wife’s dramatic tendencies.

And that’s when I started to see our marriage from his perspective. We have never divorced, but we meet socially once a month to talk about our husbands. In the twelve years of our marriage, we have never shared such an understanding. © Secret stories / VK

The husband does not clean the couch, he just sits. Brand new, folded laundry? Sit on it. Shoulder bag? Take a rest. Document? Sit on it. I was quite tempted to test what would happen if I left a sizzling plate on the couch. As he sat down at his laptop, the bad habit finally stopped. © Reddit / harpy4ire

I learned that you have to talk directly to the man to get what you want. Avoidance cues don’t work. For three months I had been hinting to my husband that I needed a new bag. He made every effort to decipher my clues. He almost achieved his goal by getting me an amazing and extremely fashionable shopper in addition to buying me new sneakers, a sweater, and a ring.

However, it wasn’t what I wanted. I had to be blunt and say, “Alex, I want a bag!” My husband was ecstatic at the time and claimed he had almost solved my mysterious clues. 

Family life is full of unpredictable and sometimes confusing moments, especially when it comes to the whims and misfortunes of our partners. The stories shared highlight a range of behaviors that, while mysterious, also reveal unique dynamics in relationships. From the husband’s unconventional approach to solving domestic problems to the other’s confusing view of cooking and cleanliness, these anecdotes illustrate the challenges and occasional absurdities of living with someone who operates according to his logic.

Despite the frustrations and misunderstandings, these experiences also underscore the resilience and adaptability that many couples display. They remind us that behind every confusing action, there is often a mixture of good intentions, personal habits, and a pinch of humor. As families work through these idiosyncrasies, they often find ways to appreciate and laugh at the differences that make their relationships unique.

Thanks to these shared experiences, partners become closer and learn to understand and accept their individualities. While not every moment may be easy, they add to the rich tapestry of family life, helping couples bond and create lasting memories amidst the chaos.

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