
17 Methods for Eliminating Unpleasant Odors in Your Household

Keeping your home smelling fresh and pleasant goes beyond just cleaning the floors and dusting. Offensive odors can linger in various household items, but with some simple and imaginative solutions, you can easily remove them using common household items. From using citrus peels to create natural air fresheners to making your own candles with your preferred scent, there are many ways to keep your home fragrant. These ingenious home secrets from Bright Side offer effective and enjoyable cleaning methods that anyone can handle. Let’s explore these tips to create a pleasant and refreshing atmosphere in every corner of your home.

The only thing that will make your house smell and feel cleaner is the occasional floor sweep and dusting. Some unpleasant odors can settle in electronics, furniture, appliances, and even beds. Luckily, they’re all really easy to clean with common household items that almost everyone has!

Bright Side believes that cleaning should be enjoyable and efficient at the same time. For this reason, we are happy to share our inventive home secrets with you.

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1. If you want to fill your kitchen with a pleasant aroma, use orange peels.

Citrus scents are ideal for air fresheners in kitchens and can have a mood-enhancing and stress-relieving effect. After letting some orange peels dry overnight, burn them with a match or over the stove. You will immediately release a long-lasting pleasant aroma into your kitchen.

2. Use baking soda to get rid of fridge odors.

Your fridge can start to smell like a million different foods. Refrigerator fresheners usually mask the odor rather than eliminate it. Since baking soda absorbs and neutralizes strong odors, it is preferable in this situation. Simply put an open box of baking soda in the fridge and replace it every year.

3. Use lemons to suppress unpleasant odors coming from the microwave oven.

When it comes to cleaning, lemons are simply the greatest helper! Transfer half a cup of water to a bowl to get rid of microwave odors. Split the lemon, squeeze the juice, and add the halves to the bowl as well.

Turn on the microwave and let it run for about five minutes. Then leave it inside for a few more minutes without opening the door. Then remove the bowl and clean the microwave oven thoroughly.

4. Use citrus fruit to mask the smell coming from your garbage disposal.

Cut an orange or lemon into wedges, grab a trash can, and start putting the citrus pieces in one by one. Citrus pieces will add a pleasant aroma and help in cleaning parts of the grinder. In case you lack citrus fruits, you can still use peaches and their stones. This will help loosen any stuck-on food particles.

5. Use essential oils to create a natural room spray.

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Store-bought air fresheners may contain hazardous substances that are harmful to humans.

All you need is a spray bottle, witch hazel, distilled water, and your preferred essential oil to make your own at home. Mix 20-25 drops of essential oil and half a bottle of Elf in a bottle.

When the water is distilled, it is done. The elm will help to mix the ingredients properly and prolong the duration of the fragrance. Apply it to the laundry or any room.

6. Build an organic toilet bomb.

You can use this bomb in your toilet to eradicate microorganisms and fill the space with a clean, fresh scent. In a large bowl, mix 4 tablespoons of citric acid, 1/2 cup of Epsom salt, 1/2 cup of baking soda, 1 tablespoon of dish soap, 1 tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate, and 15 drops of any essential oil. Spray enough elf into the mixture to harden the mixture enough to form balls.

After creating the explosives, let them dry for six hours.

As a reminder, baking soda bombs are limited to cleaning a certain area of ​​the toilet. There may be stains on the inside of the bowl that need to be cleaned as they may also give off an unpleasant smell.

A bottle of Coca-Cola can come to the rescue in this situation. After emptying the toilet, pour soda inside. Its acidic content can help remove these stains. After letting it sit overnight, rinse it off.

7. Prepare a vinegar solution for smelly carpets.

It is possible that pets sometimes urinate on the carpet and leave behind an unpleasant smell. Mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar, 1 tablespoon of baking soda, and 5 ounces (150 ml) of hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle. Allow the carpet to air dry after spraying. After it dries, you will notice that a powder has formed in the area where you sprayed.

Use a vacuum to remove it and then enjoy the freshness.

8. Use baking soda to give your mattresses a fresh smell.

You should sprinkle some baking soda on top of your mattresses to give them a fresh smell.

Then give everything half an hour or so. Then just use the upholstery attachment of your vacuum cleaner to clean. If you want to make your mattress smell better, you can combine your favorite essential oil with baking soda before sprinkling it on.

If your sofa is upholstered, you can apply this approach to it as well. After you dust the baking soda over and under her pillows, let it sit for about fifteen minutes. If you think the smell is too strong, you can leave the baking soda on the sofa overnight.

Next, use the vacuum to get rid of whatever was on the fabric.

9. Create a toilet brush that is self-cleaning.

Unpleasant odors can also be introduced into the bathroom by toilet brushes, but sometimes it is difficult to notice.

If you put liquid soap on its stand, you can quickly solve the problem. Once you’ve used the brush for its intended purpose, soap can kill bacteria and prevent odors from spreading.

10. Use sheets in the dryer to get rid of lingering closet odors.

Even worn dryer sheets have some value because they most likely still have a nice smell.

You can even just slip them into your jacket pockets or organize them on shelves in your closet. In addition, you can insert them between pieces of clothing that you plan to wear in the coming season (for example, winter clothes). You will love the wonderful smell when you pull them out again later.

11. The same can be said for herb potpourri.

You can use your favorite herbs and be a little more inventive if you like natural scents. For example, fill small cloth bags with pieces of cedarwood, mint, lavender, rosemary, southernwood, and pennyroyal. Place them on shelves in your closet and change them once a month.

12. Use your toilet paper rolls as air fresheners.

Whether we want to add a pleasant aroma to the room, essential oils are always useful. You can add a few drops of any oil to the rolls every time you refill the toilet paper. That is all. Just place the paper where it usually belongs and let the beautiful scent fill your space!

13. Use activated charcoal to get rid of the smell coming from your cat’s litter box.

One fantastic product that is amazing for absorbing many unpleasant odors is activated charcoal. Apply some of this to a washcloth and place it in or next to the litter box. If you want, you can also place a small bowl next to the box. You will quickly notice that the smell is gone!

14. Eliminate the smell of cooked fish.

Some types of fish have a strong smell of fried fish that cannot be alleviated by opening a window or turning on a hood. In this case, you can cook the fish on the same hob immediately after bringing a cup of vinegar and water to a boil. The vinegar vapor will fight the fishy smell in your kitchen and eventually get rid of it.

15. Do not forget about the maintenance of the washing machine.

Mold often forms on the rubber seal that is attached to the washing machine door. This can result in unpleasant odors coming from your laundry room. To clean the seal, just mix one cup of bleach with four cups of warm water and apply some of the mixture to an old towel or sponge. Then run the cycle on the hottest water setting and remember to use the mold remover. When you’re done, try leaving the door open.

16. Make your own candles.

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You can use any scent you like and they are a lot of fun to make! For example, to make lavender candles, you will need dried lavender buds for decoration, wax flakes, and a metal base wick. Start by preparing your candle pot by inserting the wick and securing it with a clothespin. Melt the wax flakes in the microwave, then add 20-30 drops of essential oil and transfer the mixture to a container. Once it hardens, add some dried flowers.

17. Remind yourself of the importance of indoor plants.

They are fantastic pieces that will not only add coziness and greenery to your space but will also help clean the air. Popular options include weeping figs, Chinese conifer, palms, snake plants, and dracaena.

Which scents are the most pleasant to you? Do you have a secret to creating a pleasant aroma in your home? Let’s exchange them in the comments box!

In conclusion, it can be said that keeping a fresh and pleasant smell at home does not have to be a problem. With simple household ingredients and a little creativity, you can effectively eliminate unpleasant odors and fill your living space with wonderful aromas. From using citrus fruits to neutralize kitchen odors to making your own candles with your favorite scents, the possibilities are endless. By incorporating these tips into your cleaning routine, you can enjoy a home that not only looks clean but smells great too. Share your favorite scent secrets in the comments below and let’s continue to exchange ideas for creating a sweet-smelling home environment.

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