
18 Instances When Individuals Puzzled Over Object Uses and Found Answers on the Internet

In our daily lives, we often encounter objects or receive gifts that make us wonder about their purpose, creating a sense of curiosity and intrigue. These moments of uncertainty raise questions about the thoughtfulness behind the creation of these objects and sometimes leave us wondering if there are aspects we have yet to understand. Fortunately, we live in a time where a simple search can solve these mysteries, thanks to the collective knowledge of the Internet community.

Here are some examples from Internet users on Now I’ve Seen Everything. These people were probably surprised when others told them what they actually had.

1. “Old tools were used to find it. he seems unattached to anything. It has a locking function and when the central part rotates, the two fabric straps are released. I am embarrassed!”

The purpose is to hold or carry books.

2. “I’ve had this for a while, it’s very light and wooden, but very smooth…what is this thing?”

3. “Green plastic scissor handle with plastic teeth and metal loops. No distinguishing marks.”

In response: “I would venture to assume some kind of herb remover. The teeth are closed, the straws are drawn and the saliva goes in loops.”

4. “A complex iron contraption that opens on one side.”

It is a cast iron whip and buggy holder.

5. “What is that keyhole in the wall next to the outer door?”

First reaction: “Most likely for firefighters.

Similarly, we have a keyhole at the gate to our car park. In an emergency, they can unlock it that way.”

Second reaction: It’s a Knox box.

6. “We’ve had them in our kitchen drawer for a very long time, but we’re not sure what they’re for. Any suggestions?”

Answer 1: “Green is used to peel bananas.”

Answer 2: “Being a beaver, the blue one on the right is definitely an orange peeler. You can make cuts in the outer skin of an orange with a front tooth, and you can kind of scrape off the peel with a beaver’s tail.”

7. “An old mechanical device found in the trash. Extremely heavy. Register for money? A mechanical calculator, please?”

Answer: “It’s actually a mechanical calculator, Odhner model 1950/60.”

8. “Egyptian-type scarab made of solid metal. My grandmother thinks she got it somewhere in Europe a long time ago. It’s quite heavy for its size and has hieroglyphs on the underside.”

“I have one from Egypt,” is my reply. Undoubtedly a tourist souvenir paperweight.’

9. “These are made of thin glass that I found at Grandma’s. Unfortunately, the box cover does not describe what it is.

“They’re for flower arrangements,” is the reply. The tube holds one flower. While there’s definitely support for them somewhere, some like to place them in driftwood with holes drilled, foam next to other decorations or even other planters.”

10. “I discovered this in the garage: a brass tube with a notch with the cap remaining on top. a wooden handle on a copper rod.”

In response, “It’s a hair curler.” Check out this link.

I am aware that curling irons and hot combs are two different things. They resemble those that have been put away overnight, like a caricature of an elderly woman from the 1950s wearing a nightgown and curling her hair.”

11. “My wife got a mysterious Tiffany trinket from her grandmother who didn’t reveal what it was.

Probably bought in the 1930s or 1940s. about 10cm/4″ long. All she said was that although she used it when she was younger she didn’t really need it anymore. Any suggestions?”

The purpose is to mix drinks.

12. “Group of three armed poles near bike racks. Arms moving in a circle. Outside London block of flats.”

Answer: “It’s an art installation for The Dumont apartments on Albert Embankment.”

13. “What is that hook in the kitchen cupboard?”

The answer is, “It’s a cup rack.”

14. ”The solid metal ‘kiss’ that was in our bag of candy cane kisses. Is it part of the device?”

“It’s definitely not part of the machine,” is the reply.

I would say that because it is the same size and shape, it serves as a quality control ‘indicator’ to help operators quickly verify the size and shape of the parts.”

15. “This facility in a nursing home that appears to be halfway between a sink and a toilet.”

First reaction: Urinals are emptied using this clinical sink.

16. “A promotional product of some kind. What purpose is it used for?”

Answer one: “I’m not sure about the scale, but it looks like an acupressure ring – it’s supposed to help improve circulation in the fingers.”

Answer two: “According to my Korean wife, it’s a hand massage/strengthening kit.”

17. “Someone got this as a new baby gift with no notes as to what it is.”

The answer is, “It’s a door damper.” In addition to opening and closing the door quietly, the rubber wraps around and covers the door latch to prevent it from jamming. The door handle is surrounded by straps on all sides.”

18. “This object is located above my hospital bed… Its purpose is unknown to all the nurses.”

In conclusion, the Internet, with its vast collective knowledge, continues to play the role of digital sage, unraveling the mysteries behind various confusing objects. When we occasionally come across items or receive gifts that leave us scratching our heads, a simple query to the online community often yields enlightening answers. The platform, as shown in these examples from Now I’ve Seen It All, becomes a hub where individuals share their woes and others unleash their superpowers to provide insightful explanations.

From seemingly obscure tools to mysterious tidbits acquired decades ago, the Internet serves as a virtual repository of diverse knowledge. Users turn to this digital realm to find answers to questions about the purpose of strange objects, and the answers range from practical explanations to humorous interpretations.

The anecdotes presented showcase the beauty of this collective wisdom and reveal the creativity and ingenuity of Internet users. Whether it’s deciphering the function of an old mechanical device, identifying the use of kitchen tools, or demystifying promotional products, the Internet community is proving to be a valuable resource for those seeking clarity.

Essentially, these cases highlight the collaborative and problem-solving nature of the online world, where a small query can unlock a large amount of information. As we move through a world full of interesting objects, the Internet is ready to lend a helping hand, turning every mystery into an opportunity to share knowledge and a good dose of fun.

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