
7 Guests Who Completely Spoiled the Wedding Day

Although weddings should only celebrate love and happiness, not everyone wants to witness others happily ever after.

These terrifying weddings make it clear that not everyone should be invited to your special day. Plus, everything in your life can be a lie, as the seventh story shows!

Planning a wedding is hard and expensive enough; no need for someone to come and spoil the whole thing. Some Reddit users have shared their wedding ceremony and reception experiences that made them totally regret throwing the party.

Improved grammar and clarity in the comments.

1. My egocentric family did whatever they wanted.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

u/Juice_Swimming_9752: You shouldn’t consider everyone a close family member. I had a small ceremony and reception in our backyard to marry my girlfriend. We chose the straightforward option because we are both middle-aged and married for the second time.

Almost all of the guests made the trip, some from as far as the Midwest and others who spent hours traveling around our state. It can take more than five hours to get 120 miles from where we live in a remote area of ​​the country.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

However, the fact that my parents and one of my six brothers were coming made us excited. We planned the wedding to coincide with my parents’ planned visit. Not many weeks before the event, my sister decided to go.

I made an appointment with my sister, mom, and myself with my regular hair and makeup stylist. I was the last to leave for the first appointment, which was at 10 am, so I stayed home until noon to get our house ready.

My mom and sister had left, I found out when I got to the salon. Since we are almost 2000 miles apart, I thought we would spend the day together.

I was in a hurry because I had a lot of work to do when I got home at 3 pm. and the photographer didn’t come until 4:30 p.m. I texted my family to get help.

Our intention was to help prepare the last-minute celebrations after our meetings.

An hour later, however, they ate a nice lunch, and at 3:30 p.m. they were just getting ready in their rental car. When the visitors started arriving, I took care of the last-minute orders myself, but by then I was sweating.

I barely had time to write my vows and get ready before my parents and sister arrived at 4:15 pm. But the hardest aspect was witnessing my mum wearing my exact wedding dress – a cream lace knee-length dress and brown high boots.

When she saw my outfit, all she could say was, “It’s cream, not white.” I was already crying a little and I wanted it to be different. But eventually, her dad brought her back to their rental so they could change.

When they came back after an hour, they were obviously not happy with me. Apart from saying goodbye, they didn’t say anything else to me for the rest of the evening. My sister assisted with the cleaning, but I was angry with her for not acting sooner.

My dad looked irritated and my mom barely spoke to me at the breakfast they held the next day. Anxiety dreams kept me awake for a whole month after the wedding. Fortunately, my husband was present, so I focused on strengthening our relationship.

2. I excluded my mother-in-law

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u/Humor1450-Designer: I’ve been neglecting this woman for too long. My wife and I, 24 years old, recently got married. However, ever since we started dating, I have had a rough relationship with her mother (MIL). I knew she hated me, but I never thought she would go to such lengths to show it.

Due to her inability to find housing and her insistence on not being placed in a home, my MIL briefly lived in our home.

She showed no gratitude at all during her visit.

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She never thanked us for the food we gave and refused to pay her share of the bills.

I didn’t think much of it until I got married, even though it was a developing problem.

It was a fantastic moment when I asked my wife to marry me on the High Roller Ferris Wheel in Las Vegas. So I wanted our wedding to be just as perfect. We spent 10 months meticulously organizing so that everything would go smoothly.

until my mother-in-law decided to wear a gorgeous white dress complete with a voluminous skirt and a small hairpiece. She looked like my bride. My actual bride and I decided not to make a big deal out of it.

It annoyed her. She had a grumpy attitude during the ceremony, but what really shocked us all was when she screamed, “Oh, please!” during our vows. My wife stopped me before I could have her escorted out by security because she didn’t want to cause any more drama.

When it came time for our first dance, my wife and I had the best time to a quiet, soft tune that we’ve always loved. I was done when MIL suddenly shouted, “Give me back my daughter.”

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

My frustration and anger were too great and the rest of the reception went by in a haze. My wife just wasn’t at ease.

When we got home I was unable to control my anger. MIL seemed to be in a hurry as she walked down the hall to her room but I stopped her.

I instructed her to get out and demanded that she pack up and leave for the next day in the most passive-aggressive way imaginable. First, she scoffed, then offered hollow excuses, then shed crocodile tears, but I remained unaffected. She needed to leave.

And my wife refrained from interfering this time. Her silence gave me the impression that she also wished her mother dead. We arranged for her to move into an assisted living facility where she would be in charge of paying her own bills.

Since then, she has developed a more modest outlook. Did you choose a different procedure?

3. I was unable to control my rage. Reddit’s best user 19: Was that something I got wrong? My husband and I recently got married in Paris. With over 60 guests, it was a big wedding.

My mother-in-law and I have never sat down, so if I had my way, I would never have invited her to the wedding.

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But I still invited her and put our problems aside for my husband.

After I sent out the invitations, everything was fine until my mother-in-law texted me asking if there were any children attending the wedding.

Since my six-year-old son from a previous relationship loved my husband as if he were his father, I said yes.

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This started to bother her and she insisted that since my son is not my husband’s biological child, I get him a nanny. Despite my anger, I remained calm for the sake of my husband. I coldly told her that it was my wedding and that I really wanted my son to be there. She argued for a moment before agreeing.

After that, everything went really well and we had some time left until the wedding. Although nervous, everything went well when everyone got from the airport to the motels.

My mother-in-law insisted on staying in the room with us as soon as we arrived at the hotel. Since our son didn’t get enough attention at the ceremony and the celebration that followed, my husband and I informed her that we would like to spend some time alone with him before the wedding.

When we suggested she share a room with my sister-in-law, she stormed off. I was wrong to assume that there would be no arguing or stress on the wedding day. She suggested that she should have been my bridesmaid the day before the wedding.

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She always knew she wasn’t going to be my bridesmaid, so I’m not sure why she said that. Plus, no one includes their in-laws in the wedding party.

I just turned to leave because I didn’t want to argue.

When the wedding day finally arrived, the ceremony began and everything went according to plan. Until the reception started, I thought it was the greatest day of my life.

When it came time for my husband and I to dance for the first time as a married couple, everyone had a great time. I was about halfway through the song when I heard a loud “bang” from someone in the audience. It was her, of course.

As she stood up, she shouted, “You have taken my boy from me. He loved me and he will never love you as much! The only lady a boy should love should be his mother! You’ll never match him!”

At that point I lost it, got up, and yelled at her, “You’ve done nothing but screw me up! You made the days leading up to and on my wedding day absolutely miserable.” be my mother-in-law.”

She immediately started crying and left the wedding. Needless to say, everyone left early and the rest of the evening was unpleasant. So should I have refrained from speaking?

The bride’s family and groom are completely absent from her wedding; that will happen soon.

He later finds out that they are all attending another ceremony!

The bride’s family and groom are completely absent from her wedding; that will happen soon.

They later find out that they are all attending another ceremony!

4. My ex-husband attended my wedding

/NoYam9520: After only two weeks of marriage, my husband and I regret getting married. My husband’s ex is causing problems. To put it mildly, that is

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Rather than use an endearing phrase or simply call me stepmom, she insists that my stepchildren call me by my first name.

Coincidentally, our wedding day fell on her babysitting day. I don’t know why, but my husband invited her and didn’t let me know if she accepted.

She surprised me by coming with the kids and saying she was staying instead of just dropping them off. I got the impression from her outfit that she was trying to be the center of attention because she was better dressed than me. So I asked her to leave immediately.

However, she refused and my mother-in-law and husband insisted that she stay because she is like family. I felt as if they were conspiring against me and I was at a loss for words. She ruined my wedding day and I’m afraid it won’t be the last thing she does to me.

5. Stained and injured grass

u/Deleted user:

My recent wedding took place in the morning and we were all really happy to be married.

But things took a turn for the worse when my future husband’s mother—who usually had black hair that fell to her waist—sent him a text.

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She shocked us by sending a photo of herself with her hair styled and cut to resemble mine – shoulder length, brown with blonde lashes. I was upset, mainly because of the timing.

Still, I ignored it and focused on our unique day. It was time for the parents to join us and say the vows while we continued with the ceremony which took place by the beautiful riverside.

His mother stood prominently behind the minister and me rather than standing with the other parents near the groom.

She screamed, lost her footing, and grabbed my hair as she fell, almost sending me tumbling down the riverbank with her. I avoided falling into the water, but my clothes were smeared with grass and dirt and my scalp hurt all day.

She ruined my unique moment.

I was devastated by the event. The rest of the ceremony revolved around that. My husband’s mother laughed at this and turned to leave me lying on the ground fighting back tears as she regained her balance.

Because of this incident, we have cut off contact with her. My husband is totally in favor of this choice.

I still cry every time I think of my wedding day because it seems like she purposely ruined the celebrations and didn’t feel guilty about it.

Her husband and the preacher were holding her hands, evidence that this was intentional from our wedding shots. She backed up on purpose and lost her balance.

6. What is the baby’s name?

Silver_Fire72: We’ve been looking forward to getting married for a long time and last weekend my husband and I tied the knot. Even though we had four children and almost ten years of dating, we were unable to finance the wedding of my dreams. After waiting so long, we also wanted something our girls would remember. Therefore, we have made great efforts to deserve it.

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was concerned because I thought a terrible event might happen, but everything went according to plan for the preparation and the ceremony and reception started as planned.

My sister-in-law walked up to me halfway through and said she had put something in my guest book. I ignored it and went on with my evening until my aunts came to me and asked my brother and sister-in-law’s name.

I was really confused before I understood what she wrote in my guest book. They used our guest book to announce their baby’s name and the family made a game of it.

“You’ll have to look it up if you want to know the baby’s name,” was the name of the game. I knew it would make a scene, so even though I was unhappy, I kept my mouth shut.

I found my husband and stayed with him for the rest of the evening. The next day I messaged my brother and SIL to let them know they insulted me.

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My brother yelled at me angrily and called it a gift. My sister-in-law countered that if it was such a big deal, we could just erase the baby’s name and that it wasn’t like they were going to grab the microphone to announce it.

I tried to explain why I was hurt but gave up when I saw they weren’t going to get it. They simply lost it over me and their communication made me think I was crazy.

7. They were married secretly behind my back

u/Deleted User: I thought my wedding day was going to be legendary. My parents planned a huge barn and a guest list that numbered in the thousands. However, D-Day is a complete flop, only about thirty individuals show up.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Standing there in my wedding dress makes me feel like an overused Snapchat account. However, I soon realized that the most important individuals in my life—my fiance, my bridesmaids, and my core family—were also missing.

I started calling my mom, my fiance, and anyone who would pick up. Nothing. When one of my bridesmaids finally picked up the phone, our chat looked like this:

Me: Hi, where is everyone? WHAT IS GOING ON ANYWAY?

Her: TRASH I LOST MY NUMBER! No one is waiting for you here at the ceremony.

Me, totally confused: Um, what ceremony? ALONE AT THE ALTAR, I AM.

Her: For God’s sake, you don’t know that? Let me give your mother the phone. She will clarify.

When my mother picks up the phone she says, “Didn’t you get my message this morning?”

Me: Not at all. What did it say?

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Then comes the big reveal. From what my mother writes, her sisters and she believed that my fiance would be happier with my cousin. Really messed up, they managed to get him involved in this relationship with her and now she’s expecting a baby!

The wedding I attended was a complete farce; it served as a smokescreen for the real event my cousin and fiance were doing somewhere else. It sounds unbelievable and artificial, but it actually happened. I thanked everyone who had arrived, told them everything, and left after the meeting.

I moved far away and stopped communicating with my relatives. Hell is a possibility for them!

A malicious ex-girlfriend, mother-in-law, or bridesmaid can easily spoil a couple’s special day.

The above wedding day disaster stories illustrate how what should be a joyous event can quickly turn into moments of deep disappointment and anxiety. Each story reveals the vulnerability and emotional investment couples have on their wedding day, making the impact of disruptive guests all the more significant.

In the first story, the bride’s family’s lack of support and unexpected behavior, such as wearing a wedding dress, shows how even close relatives can inadvertently ruin the day. The bride’s frustration and hurt are palpable as she navigates last-minute preparations and personal betrayals, highlighting the importance of family understanding and support during such momentous events.

A second story about a contentious relationship with a mother-in-law that escalated into disruptive behavior at a wedding highlights the strain that external family dynamics can place on a newlywed couple. The mother-in-law’s deliberate attempts to attract attention and create conflict cast a shadow over what should have been a joyous celebration of love and underscored the need for healthy boundaries and respect in extended families.

Another makeup reveals the intersection of past relationships into the present, where the presence of a former partner disrupts the harmony of the wedding day. Such unexpected revelations can dredge up unresolved emotions and cause unnecessary tension, challenging the couple’s ability to fully enjoy their special day.

These stories highlight the vulnerability of weddings to outside influences and the potential for precious moments to be overshadowed by conflict, from thoughtful clothing choices to disruptive outbursts during ceremonies and receptions. They serve as cautionary tales, urging couples to carefully consider guest dynamics and prioritize communication and boundaries to ensure a fulfilling wedding day experience.

Ultimately, these reports remind us of the importance of resilience and adaptation in the face of unforeseen challenges. While no wedding is immune to the unexpected, the ability to navigate and resolve conflict with grace and poise can turn potential disasters into opportunities for growth and strengthening of relationships. By understanding and supporting each other, couples can ensure that their wedding day remains a cherished memory despite the challenges they encounter along the way.

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