
9 Methods for Ending Idealization of Your Past Relationships

Coping with the aftermath of a breakup can be a challenging and emotionally turbulent experience. As time goes on, it’s common to remember the positive aspects of a relationship while conveniently overlooking the negative aspects that led to its demise. However, indulging in such romanticized memories can hinder our ability to move forward and make new healthy connections. In order to break free from the lure of a past relationship and embrace the present, it is necessary to face the reality of the situation and acknowledge the good and the bad. By adopting a more balanced perspective and actively challenging idealized notions of the past, we can pave the way for true healing and growth.

Regardless of how your relationship with your ex ended, you can start romancing them if enough time has passed. In fact, sometimes it’s easier to look on the bright side, minimize the arguments you had together, remember the good times rather than the bad, and block out any memories of the drama or problems that ultimately caused the relationship to end. once you create some distance between your life with your ex and the present. Who would want to travel with so much luggage? Simply put, it makes sense to think about the good times.

While there’s always a chance that this will happen, dwelling only on positive memories can have more damaging effects than simply making us want to get back with our ex. Therapists call this process “romanticizing” a past relationship: we think of it almost like a love story in a movie, instead of remembering it as it really was, warts and all. This happens when we only remember the positive aspects of a past relationship and ignore the difficult or disappointing parts.

Romanticizing the past can also prevent us from forming new love relationships in the here and now. Research shows that when we’re attached to an idealized concept of love, we perform romanticized patterns during our dates because they make us feel good about ourselves and don’t actually lead us to true intimacy and connection (I think Ted in ninety percent of How I Met your mother).

Although it can be difficult to remember the reasons for your breakup with your ex, it is not insurmountable. You will be one step closer to experiencing real love that is based on connecting with another person, rather than chasing the ghost of a love that never fully materialized if you commit to putting aside your dreams and remembering the reality of your time together… This is the method.

1. Give up happy things Every relationship has its share of ups and downs. 

Furthermore, the negative aspects of your relationship will most likely outweigh the positives if you are no longer with your ex. When you’re trying to break out of a romanticized past relationship, try to recall all the negative memories: the hurtful comments the two of you exchanged, the times your ex let you down or didn’t support you, and yet another time you were downright miserable. Yes, the good times make wonderful memories, but if you ignore the terrible, you’re only deluding yourself into a falsehood.

2. Try to figure out why you feel like you miss your ex

Is there something in particular about your ex that you really desire? Do you remember anything else about them that you remember when you remember that memory? You have to be.

If you really think about it, you can probably think of many more reasons why you don’t miss your ex at all, like because after all the great s*x, they just rolled over and never wanted to cuddle or be close to you. It might be easy to say you miss your ex because he was funny or great in bed.

3. List their pros and cons.

Lists are an excellent tool to help you move on from past relationships because they allow you to remember every aspect of your time together and also see it all on paper. So write down everything you loved about your relationship with your ex, including their support, affection, and small gestures that brought you great joy.

Make a list of all the terrible things they have done, including lying to you, hurting you, and betraying you. Comparing these lists can help you understand why you should drop all your romanticizations because it has nothing to do with the reality of what you’ve been through.

4. Stop equating new people you meet with your ex.

It goes without saying that everyone is unique and that dating can be challenging, especially after a difficult breakup. But you have to keep reminding yourself that this new date is not your old one.

It’s possible that the person you’re dating isn’t as tall as your ex or doesn’t share your passion for Truffaut movies. But does it matter?

It is very likely that your ex-partner will lag behind many of these new acquaintances in many ways. People cannot be compared because each individual brings a unique perspective to the relationship. It is harmful to obsess over what your ex has to offer; it will only make it harder for you to find happiness again.

5. Look for reminders from your friends about the real experience

When it comes to past relationships, your friends and family can guide you more than anyone else because, unlike you, they can recall specific moments in which you were a hot, pathetic mess because of your ex.

Your friends can list all the times your ex missed your birthday, the numerous times they didn’t show up when you needed them, or the numerous times they vilified or used you just because they could.

You can rely on your friends and family to help jog your memory for this information. This will contribute to a clearer (and more accurate) image.

6. Think of all the times you’ve questioned your relationship.

If your relationship has ended, chances are you’ve asked yourself at some point, “What the hell am I doing with my ex?” They’re the memories you need to focus on, whether you thought of them after a heated argument or just in one of those moments when you just didn’t feel the same way about them as you did before.

If you’ve romanticized your relationship and forgotten all the times you looked at them and thought, “Why am I not running away from this?”

You obviously had reason to think about these things at the time, which was that you wanted to end the relationship because you didn’t like it.

7. Realize that your current self is not the same as your former self 

Whether we choose to admit it or not, relationships change who we are. Unhealthy relationships in particular trap and change us. To cope with our harmful environment, we adapt to it.

But after that connection ends, we are able to rediscover who we really are. We can spend more time alone and with our friends, allowing us to reconnect with the person we really are, apart from our ex. That person is usually better than who we were when we were in it. You have to judge which of the two incarnations of yourself you prefer.

8. Realize that romanticizing is common, but not always a good idea

Everyone romanticizes the past and that’s perfectly fine. Just look at Brian Williams, for example, who greatly exaggerated the details of his near-death experience, which turned out to be false. His story actually serves as a prime illustration of the dangers associated with romanticization; remembering events in a different light than how they actually happened can cause you to base your entire life on false assumptions that, while satisfying at first, eventually come crashing down when the facts are revealed.

Furthermore, while romanticizing the past in your situation wouldn’t help you lose your job, it could set you up for romantic failure. Your delusions about the past should not hinder your ability to move on and find love again.

9. Remember there was a reason you broke up.

You would still be together if your relationship was really as wonderful as it seems in your memories. This is the most important thing you should keep in mind. Despite how painful it can be to remember all the unpleasant aspects of your relationship, you should never forget the cause of your breakup. There’s no guarantee that things will be different next time, even if you do end up getting back together.

It is better to pack up these memories, say goodbye to them, and focus on the future – that is, on finding a new, true love.

In conclusion, while it is natural to romanticize past relationships, especially as time passes, it is important to recognize the potential pitfalls of doing so. By dwelling only on the positive aspects and idealizing the past, we risk hindering our ability to move on and establish new, healthy relationships in the present. Through methods such as acknowledging the negatives, seeking reminders from friends and family, and remembering why the relationship ended in the first place, we can gradually overcome the tendency to romanticize and instead focus on building a brighter future. Ultimately, letting go of idealized memories and embracing reality is essential to personal growth and the pursuit of true love.

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