The story of Jordan, a 9-year-old boy from Oklahoma, is a testament to the power of hope, the resilience of children, and the transformative influence of the Internet. Jordan’s heart-rending plea to be accepted has captured the hearts of thousands and led to an outpouring of support that promises to change the course of his life. It is a story of longing, separation, and the enduring human capacity for compassion and love.
The Pain of Longing: Jordan’s Foster Care Journey
Jordan’s young life was marked by the absence of something most of us take for granted: family. He entered the foster care system at a young age and for the past six years, it has been the only life he has known. The pain of not having a family to call his own is a pain that only children in the foster care system truly understand. Six years is a significant part of Jordan’s life, and it is a time that no child should have to endure without the warmth and safety of a family.
The pain of longing is a universal human emotion, but for a child like Jordan, it is amplified by knowing that there is a world where other children have the love and support of family. Jordan’s application for adoption is a heartbreaking reminder of the fundamental need for family bonds in a child’s life.
Jordan’s situation breaks my heart; no child should live without a family.
Besides, a wonderful thing happened.
Jordan’s life changed after his interview went viral!
His heartfelt and honest words moved thousands to action, many of them taking immediate action!
If he could travel anywhere in the world, he said when asked where he would go.
“To the adoption party for the home.”
“All I want is a family that I can call mom and dad or just mom or just dad. Really, I don’t care. … The reason for its meaning is
“To always have someone to talk to.”
“I hope one of you chooses me.
Although Jordan lives in a group home, he naturally longs for a typical childhood life where he has parents he can confide in!
However, thousands of individuals reached out in an attempt to adopt Jordan just half a day after the interview aired!
His deepest desires were fulfilled. actually! When asked what he would like with his three wishes, Jordan answered directly:
“Having an endless family.” I have no other wishes than them.”
However, Jordan’s future is not all bright and sunny yet.
Jordan had previously been interrogated three years before, though it was with his brother Braison. The brothers were living in different foster homes when we spoke, and now?
Last year, Braison was adopted separately from his sibling.
Brothers don’t see each other that much these days.
Jordan’s permanency planning officer, Christopher Marlowe, said the Oklahoma Department of Human Services tried to place the boys in a more accessible area so they could at least spend more time together.
“His brother’s adoptive family agreed and even if it went well they said they would be willing to take them out on day passes so they could spend some quality time together.
However, Marlowe is optimistic that Jordan will now have the opportunity to find a wonderful, loving family and a forever home.
After all, in order to adopt Jordan right now, Marlowe has to go through 5,000 applications!
It goes without saying that Jordan has been through a lot in a short period of time. Marlowe went on to say:
“Even for a kid who’s been in custody, he’s been through a lot compared to most of our kids.”
Marlowe says this because foster care is a notoriously difficult and sometimes traumatic system for children.
In Oklahoma alone, there are more than 7,000 children in the foster care system.
Despite the terrible life, Jordan has led up to this point, things now seem to be turning around for him. 5,000 individuals wanting to adopt him is a pretty decent chance, and maybe his story will encourage others to adopt children from their own states’ foster care systems!
We wish Jordan nothing but the best and the utmost happiness and are excited to see where his life goes from here.
Conclusion: Jordan’s journey continues
Jordan’s journey from a heartbreaking adoption plea to a hopeful future is a testament to the extraordinary ability of individuals to change a child’s life. While the road ahead may still contain challenges and uncertainties, a collective outpouring of support has lit the way to a brighter future.
It is a reminder that every child, regardless of their background or circumstances, deserves the love and stability of a family. Jordan’s story not only changed his life but also inspired people to consider adopting and supporting children in the foster care system in their own states. It is a story of hope, resilience, and enduring faith in the power of family to change a child’s life. Jordan’s journey continues and the world is eager to see where it will lead.