
 A couple playing a game

Spouse: Honey we should play a game
Spouse: Alright. What’s going on with the game?

Spouse: On the off chance that I notice a country, you rush to the left half of the room and contact the wall and in the event that I notice a bird, you hurry to the right half of the room and contact the wall.

Assuming you run off course, you’ll give me all your compensation during the current month
Spouse: Alright! Furthermore, assuming you flop in your turn, I’ll have your compensation excessively right?

Spouse: (grins) Yes sweetheart!
Spouse: OK (stands up prepared to run toward any path)
Spouse: are you prepared
Spouse: Yes prepared
Spouse: TURKEY
It’s been 4 HOURS NOW…

The spouse is as yet remaining at the spot contemplating whether she implied the Nation or the bird
Moral example… After God, Dread Spouse!

An older courteous fellow was educating his companion regarding another café he and his significant other as of late visited.

“The food and administration were perfect!” he said.
His companion inquired, “What’s the name of the spot?”
“Hmm, I don’t recall that,” he said, thinking.
Then he asked his companion, “What do you call the long stemmed blossom
individuals give on exceptional events?”
“You mean a rose?” asked his companion.

“That is all there is to it!” he shouted and going to his better half, inquired, “Rose, what’s the name of that café we went to recently?”

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