Country music sensation John Rich, renowned as one half of the dynamic duo “Big and Rich,” recently voiced his discontent with the music industry. In a candid interview with “Just the News, No Noise,” Rich passionately discussed his latest hit single, “Progress,” which he independently produced and released due to his inability to secure a major record deal, primarily because of his conservative values and beliefs.
Despite encountering adversity, Rich demonstrated unwavering resilience as he declared, “I no longer enjoy substantial support from the country music industry, and that’s perfectly fine. I value my freedom of speech more than their validation any day of the week.” Despite facing disapproval from influential figures in the industry, Rich remains resolute, placing his artistic integrity and personal convictions above the need to conform to the expectations of mainstream gatekeepers.
Drawing attention to the swift achievement of his autonomous release, Rich expressed his satisfaction, stating, “In just six hours of being released on platforms like Truth Social and Rumble, ‘Progress’ rapidly ascended to the top of the charts globally.” By deliberately abstaining from traditional platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, Rich endeavored to personify the essence of his lyrics, particularly the line that condemns the censorship of voices. Illuminating his choice, he expounded, “They silence our voices. By ‘they,’ I mean social media giants like YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook.”
According to Just the News, Rich revealed that “Progress” was born out of his profound frustration with the state of the nation over the past two years. The song serves as a poignant commentary on the issues plaguing society. Rich passionately expressed his disdain, stating, “I would not call that gas price progress. I would not call the grocery prices progress. I would not call fentanyl in all of our neighborhood’s progress. I would not call the border being wide open progress.” Emphatically dismissing the notion of progress that contradicts his values, Rich made his stance clear, adding, “If that’s progress, they can stick it where the sun don’t shine — which is a really nice PG way of saying you know what.”
John Rich’s unwavering commitment to his artistry, combined with his refusal to compromise his values, has struck a chord with audiences worldwide. Despite the challenges posed by an industry that may not fully embrace his perspective, Rich’s independent release has resonated profoundly, capturing the attention and support of countless fans. By defying traditional industry norms, he has redefined success on his own terms and solidified his position as a fearless voice in country music.