
A Love Letter from My Husband That Broke Our Marriage

Nancy seems to have a secure life until she finds a secret note in her husband David’s laundry room.

David writes a message to an unknown woman inviting her to celebrate their “seventh anniversary”. What else can we learn from dirty laundry?

In our house, doing laundry was just another chore Mom assigned. David assists with the children and cooking, but will never clean the toilet or do the laundry.

A person doing laundry | Source: Pexels

When I asked David to take over the tasks, he grimaced and declared, “I can’t do hair in the drain.”

“My hair is the cause. as are our daughters,” I laughed.

“It’s still gross,” he shot back.

A woman washing her hair | Source: Pexels

However, the hum of the dryer and the sounds of the washing machine quickly became my ideal peaceful duty and I loved that it was mine.

Except when there were more than just dirty spots on wash day.

The gentle rippling of the paper as I rummaged through my husband’s laundry interrupted the mindless movements of my hands. The neatly folded letter fell to the ground between the folds of his shirt, looking beautiful and innocent.

A man writing on a piece of paper | Source: Pexels

Happy anniversary baby! The best seven years of my life were these! Come see me on Wednesdays at 8:00 PM. at Obelix’s. Put on the red one.

My husband’s handwriting was flawless. His letters had loops and he wrote under great tension.

A fancy restaurant | Source: Pexels

I felt a chill run down my spine.

After seven years? I was married to David for eighteen years.

We had two little girls.

A person packing takeout into a brown bag | Source: Unsplash

Our anniversary is six months away.

How about Obelix? The most elegant restaurant in town? David specifically informed me that we need to reduce our expenses.

“We need to cook more at home, Nancy,” he replied. Reduce the amount of food. The girls will have to get used to that idea because we’ve been celebrating lately.”

A person making breakfast | Source: Pexels

“Are we in trouble?” Thinking we were going to fall into some unexpected financial hole, I asked.

“No, we’re not,” David comforted me. “But it’s good to be careful.

Two little girls outside | Source: Pexels

Wednesday is coming too fast. I spent days just thinking. I was determined to decipher David’s secret letter. When I went back the day after I discovered him to check if the note was still in his shirt pocket, the pocket was empty.

A woman holding a phone | Source: Pexels

I assumed it was signed, sealed, and delivered.

David stated, “I’m working late tonight, honey,” as I began to prepare for the morning breakfast.

A rack of clothing | Source: Pexels

“Shall I leave you the plate or will you take something?” I asked, knowing full well that she had a dinner reservation with the mysterious woman in red.

A woman in a red dress | Source: Pexels

He said, “I’ll have something on the way home,” and took a travel mug with him.

As I dropped students off at school and led five rowdy schoolgirls in the afternoon elevator club, the day dragged on. I couldn’t stop thinking about David.

While I was trying to figure out what to do, I brought the girls back inside and cooked them a snack while they sat outside.

A fancy restaurant | Source: Pexels

My mother told me on the phone, “You have a time and a place, Nancy,” when I asked for an explanation.

“So you think I should leave? Really?” I asked.

Naturally, I wanted to go. My goal was to be the one to see David’s transgression. But I was afraid of breaking my own heart.

A glass of wine on a table | Source: Pexels

Really. Tonight, my dear, is the foundation of your entire marriage,” she continued. “I know it’s going to be hard, but at the end of the day, at least you’ll know what your next step will be.”

“I guess,” I replied.

A bouquet of white tulips and a giftbox | Source: Pexels

“Don’t you think you owe it to the girls?” she said.

Mom could take care of the girls’ needs, but there wasn’t enough time to grab her and get to the restaurant in time, so I arranged for a babysitter.

A shocked man | Source: Pexels

I stood in front of the closet and didn’t know what to wear. I struggled with the idea that I would become a bricklayer and that David would easily forget me if I stood by.

“Stop it, Nancy,” I yelled at myself in reflection. “You will be brave.

David bought me a beautiful red dress for my birthday a while ago and I slipped into it. It still had the right cut. And I still remember that speech clearly.

A person twirling a lock of hair | Source: Pexels

“Red has always been your color,” David stated as he unwrapped the garment.

I looked in the mirror and saw that I was striking and bold, a sign of an impending clash. But deep down I felt really angry and cheated even though I knew I looked amazing.

With glasses clinking and anticipation buzzing, I arrived at the restaurant a little early.

A crying woman | Source: Pexels

A second woman was standing there. David ordered her to wear red, so she did. She took pictures with her phone in different angles and with a carefree smile on her face.

I took a deep breath and sat down next to her, making sure my back was to the entrance. I refused to let David see me beforehand. I needed him to see me when I needed him.

A couple sitting together | Source: Pexels

When my husband entered, the air changed. I felt a shock wave go through my heart from the tenderness and intimacy with which he approached her.

David gave me that look a long time ago.

I tasted the wine I ordered, anything to calm my anxieties I needed.

An open suitcase | Source: Pexels

David moved his chair to sit next to the woman instead of across from her, his eyes soft. It was something he did to me too. To put his hand on my knee. He gave her a white box and a big bouquet.

“Isabelle,” he leaned in to kiss me, but the kiss lasted too long. “You look amazing as always love.

She gave a light laugh with the same carefreeness as her previous selfie.

A clenched first | Source: Unsplash

“David, you have a knack for making a woman feel special. Seven years? Is that true?”

His eyes met mine just then and the warmth in his smile disappeared, replaced by dread and dawn.

He got up from his chair without saying anything and whispered to Isabelle that he needed to go to the bathroom.

“Don’t you dare, David!” I screamed.

He stopped with a frightened look on his face. Isabelle, now confused and agitated, watched as the scenario unfolded.

Caught between his wife and a secret admirer, David remained motionless. I could see him planning his next move, the wheels turning in his head.

A woman in red lying on a low bed | Source: Pexels

I turned to Isabelle and introduced myself, trying not to look too nervous.

I say my name is Nancy. “David’s wife of almost eighteen years.

“What?” Isabelle said, her expression turning white. “I didn’t know that! David informed me that despite your separation, you remained friendly because of your children.”

Isabelle twirled her fingers impatiently through a strand of hair. She was a victim of David’s deception just like me.

My husband’s eyes begged for forgiveness or for the earth to split open and swallow him whole. He parted his lips but was silent. There was an unbearable silence.

Divided? David, how creative you are.”

Isabelle looked right at me and I could see tears welling up in her eyes.

“I’m sorry,” she apologized. “I never wanted to be a part of anything like that.

David commented, “I never intended for it to come this far.”

I was unable to identify who he was talking to.

A puff came out of Isabella’s napkin. She was shaken, I could tell.

However, seven years? Not once in the seven years, we’ve known each other as she tried to meet my daughters. Or come and see?

Wasn’t it clear to her that this was getting serious? Or that their partnership involved more than just dating?

I couldn’t understand it. Nothing about it worked.

David and I got married at a fairly young age, practically straight out of high school.

We were happy despite the typical arguments that married couples have. We had the power.

Until that note appeared.

I thought of all the times we’d argued; sure, it was awkward at the time, but we always worked it out together and came out on top. I thought of David’s many late nights and his professional travels.

I remembered the night when David was putting things in his bag while I was enjoying an ice cream in bed.

“I’ll only be gone for the weekend,” he said.

I asked, “Where do you live?”

“At the hotel,” was his quick reply. But I won’t be alone. I’ll be sharing a room with one of the boys.”

I nodded. He never gave me a reason not to trust him, so I did.

I leaned back in my chair and watched as David tried to control the urge to comfort Isabelle. His face was full of sadness and he clenched his fists tightly.

That was the most painful thing for me. The fact that the husband wanted to approach this woman in my presence showed that he was interested in her.

I didn’t think our union was over. However, that was exactly the moment my heart started racing.

“I’m going to start the divorce process,” I told David as I picked up my purse.

“You have to explain it to the girls, I won’t.”

When I left, the restaurant disappeared in a blur of light. I could feel the cooler night air as I headed to my car. I confessed my betrayal. But I was aware that I still had a lot to sort out.

All I had to do was be strong for my girls. I was aware that divorce would destroy our family and her. But David was pushing my hand.

How would you react in such a situation?

There is one more fairy tale for you. I saw my boss cheating on his wife at work by having an affair with a colleague. But the wish that triggered the magical metamorphosis sent him on a path of self-improvement, institutional reform, and a shift toward equality and inclusiveness in our business world.

Nancy’s world came crashing down when she found the note in David’s laundry, and as she pieced together the pieces of their lives, she realized the depth of her husband’s betrayal. A confrontation at a restaurant, when David was caught between his wife and his mistress, spelled the end of their marriage. Nancy’s decision to file for divorce was not just about infidelity; it was about reclaiming her dignity and protecting her daughters from the pain of living in a broken home.

When Nancy left the restaurant and left David to face the consequences of his actions, she knew she was entering a new chapter in her life—one where she would have to rebuild the foundation of her family on her terms. Divorce would be a painful process, but for Nancy, it was a necessary step toward healing and progress.

Nancy’s strength in the face of betrayal was a testament to her resilience and love for her daughters. She knew the road ahead would be difficult, but she was determined to create a future where she and her girls could thrive, free of the shadows of delusion. David’s decisions shattered the life they had built together, but Nancy’s determination to rise above the pain led her to a new beginning.

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