
A man is lying near the ocean

A man is lying near the ocean, wearing only a cap over his groin.
A lady passing by remarks,”If you were any kind of a man of honor,
you would lift your cap to a woman.”
He answers, “In the event that you were any kind of a hot woman,
the cap would lift without anyone else.”

There used to be a visually impaired elderly person who chose to visit Texas.
At the point when he showed up on the plane, he felt the seats and said,

“Amazing, these seats are enormous!”
“Everything is huge in Texas.”, the individual close to him replied.
At the point when he at last showed up in Texas, he chose to visit a bar.

After showing up in the bar, he requested a brew and got a mug set between his hands.
He shouted, “Wow these mugs are huge!”
“Everything is huge in Texas.”, the barkeep answered.

After several lagers, the visually impaired elderly person asked the barkeep where the restroom was found.
The barkeep answered,
“Second way to one side.”

The elderly person set out toward the restroom, yet incidentally stumbled over a container and skirted the subsequent entryway.
All things considered, he entered the third entryway, which prompts the pool and fell into the pool unintentionally.
Terrified to d*ath, the visually impaired elderly person began yelling…
“Try not to flush, don’t flush!”

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