Janelle’s experiences with breastfeeding certainly caused an uproar on the internet, but they also shined a light on the importance and beauty of this natural act.
Janelle, 32, shocked the internet when she revealed she had to breastfeed her husband Joshua for three days. The work of a young woman in nursing does not end here either. We would like to highlight the amazing journey of this mother of four, who has been very open about the value of nursing.

Janelle shared memories of her recent trip to Puerto Rico on TikTok, admitting that “desperate times call for desperate measures.” She added that although she was on a four-day holiday with her husband Joshua, she forgot to bring her breast pump.
The mother reported that after one day without pumping, her breasts were “on fire”. Janelle said, “You know the phrase in your wedding vows, ‘for better or for worse,’ in the video she posted online? however, last week I had to accept my husband’s offer.

This is how she begged her husband to “help” her and at the end of the clip she said: “I had to breastfeed my husband.”
The video quickly gained a lot of attention and at the time of writing, it has accumulated about 15,000 likes as well as various reactions and comments from amazed viewers.

Any reason you didn’t just hand pump someone once asked. “I tried so hard but for some reason, it didn’t work until I started pumping,” Janelle shot back.
He had to taste her breast milk one more time.
In another viral video, Janelle tricked her husband into drinking her breast milk during a blind taste test she conducted for him. Joshua had to drink oat milk, whole milk, almond milk, and breast milk while guessing which was which without knowing which.

After trying the breast milk, Joshua immediately expressed his discomfort, commenting, “That’s your breast milk,” as he did. I’m sure.” He also happens to be his sister-in-law’s son.

Saying “I love breastfeeding, it’s a great bonding experience for mom and baby,” Janelle emphasized the importance of breastfeeding. That’s why Janelle had to step in and help when her sister-in-law Lisa had trouble breastfeeding her son due to a lack of milk. There was no question.” It’s something that has always felt very natural to me, the 32-year-old said. It doesn’t feel weird and I enjoy doing it.
In order to eradicate “different stigmas around it,” Janelle is actually trying to “shed some light on nursing.”

The mother of four has questioned why she is being criticized after some people said they “wouldn’t mind someone else feeding their baby”. “Is it gross to drink cow’s milk?” she said. You have no idea where that cow has been.
She is grateful to Janelle for helping her with this matter with her sister-in-law in mind. To help him, provide him with excellent nutrition, prevent him from starving, and keep him healthy and happy, Lisa revealed, “I let Janelle breastfeed my baby. I was lucky to have Janelle.

As for her husband Joshua, he expresses his admiration for his wife’s act of kindness, saying: “I love it. I think it’s absolutely fantastic. He also called the procedure “incredibly natural” and “a wonderful thing.”
Janelle’s breastfeeding journey has been an eye-opener for many. It turns out that breastfeeding can be a beautiful and natural act, but it can also be challenging and require support from loved ones. By sharing her story, Janelle has helped break down stigmas and raise awareness of the importance of supporting breastfeeding mothers.
What do they think about breastfeeding other than their own?