
A Stranger, who was mocked by a rude mother at a store for appearing dirty, reveals his true identity in a Facebook post.

Andy Ross of Vancouver, Washington was running errands when he unexpectedly ran into a mother and her young daughter.

He noticed a young girl staring at him as he walked into the store. He stated that a hot, long day of work at his construction site had left some dirt on his face. The little girl and her mother eventually found themselves in front of Andy as he was paying, still staring at him.

Andy noticed his mother pointing at him as they made their way to the door. She said gently, “That’s why you have to stay in school.”

Gentlemen. Andy, who is dating Jenna and is a loving father to his son, had some harsh words for the stubborn mother. He shared an open letter to her on Facebook, explaining the importance of never judging a book by its cover.

You see, there were many things about Andy that they didn’t know.

While running errands in Vancouver, Washington, Andy Ross had an unexpectedly moving interaction with a critical mother and her young daughter.

His amazing reaction is currently viral on Facebook:

“So I had a very interesting “educative” talk with a mom and her daughter today. Before I got home, a young girl kept looking at me as I entered the store. That’s okay. Kids are naturally fascinated when they see someone, especially that person as dirty as me.” They finally got in front of me as I was paying.

The young girl’s mother asked her to stop staring as she continued.

That’s why you have to stay in school, her mother told the young girl as they closed it and headed for the door.

I believed it was a great opportunity to teach this mother and her child who is 7 or 8 years old.

Our chat was as follows. “First of all, I’m a very intelligent nasty man. In addition to my college and high school diplomas, I hold many medical certificates.

Therefore, to assume that I am uninformed just based on my appearance is in itself extremely foolish. Second, ordering my kid to stay in school just because I have tattoos all over my arms is really going to stifle her creativity and possibly stifle her imagination as she grows up, I say.

Once again against your opinion, ma’am. I am very proud of the tattoos and body art that Forrest Bateman drew on me.

It serves as a symbol of my patriotism to my nation and my duty as a special operations medic during several combat missions. Third, you might not understand if you mean the hat (not shown) that I’m wearing because it has a moose on it. I happen to be the co-owner of Evergreen State Outdoors. I am happy to be a part of the outdoor industry and support my right to hunt and legally own firearms.

“I finally decided to work in construction. I’m proud to have helped build America and I look forward to going to work every day.”

“When I got out of the army I tried a desk job but it wasn’t for me.

I like to be outside and do manual labor.

I have benefits, a great job, and I have no problem supporting my family.

So my appearance has nothing to do with my IQ or desire for further education. Have a good time and try not to judge people before you know anything about them was all I said before leaving the two.

I wish her luck with the young lady.

Andy Ross’ encounter with a judgmental mother and her young daughter sparked an important conversation about the dangers of judging others based on their appearance. Andy’s message is simple but powerful: never judge a book by its cover. Everyone has their own unique story and experiences and it’s important to take the time to get to know someone before you make assumptions about them. By sharing his story, Andy has shown that while he may not fit what some people consider “educated”, he is a man of great intelligence and experience and is proud of who he is and what he has. perfect.

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