In a lively twist of fate, an aged, visually impaired cowboy unknowingly stumbles into a biker bar exclusively occupied by women. Guided by his instincts, he eventually finds his way to a bar stool and proceeds to order a drink, embracing the lively atmosphere around him.
As time passes, a mischievous idea takes hold of the cowboy’s mind, and he decides to share a classic blonde joke with the bar patrons. With a touch of enthusiasm, he calls out to the bartender, breaking the previous buzz with his voice, “Hey there! How about I entertain you all with a fantastic blonde joke?”
The entire bar is immediately hushed, as everyone anticipates the forthcoming punchline. Suddenly, a deep and husky voice emanates from the woman seated next to the blind cowboy. Filled with a sense of fairness, she interjects, “Hold on there, Cowboy. Before you share that joke, I believe it’s only fair that you, being visually impaired, are aware of five crucial facts.”
The cowboy curiously listens, eager to grasp the information about to be revealed. The woman confidently proceeds, listing the following points:
- The bartender, in all her blond glory, is currently gripping a sturdy baseball bat.
- Standing guard at the entrance is a blonde bouncer, armed with a formidable billy-club.
- As for herself, she stands tall at a striking height of six feet, weighing a solid 175 pounds, and boasts a black belt in karate.
- Sitting beside her is a muscular blonde, professionally involved in the world of weightlifting.
- And finally, to the cowboy’s right, sits another blonde, recognized as a professional wrestler.
The words sink in, and the cowboy contemplates the gravity of the situation. After a brief moment of reflection, he shakes his head, realizing the wisdom in the woman’s words, and quietly mutters, “Well, hell no. I reckon it’s best not to venture into that joke if I’ll be needing to explain it five times over.”
In this extended version, the story emphasizes the unexpected encounter of the blind cowboy in the biker bar and highlights the spirited personalities of the blonde women in attendance. The additional details provide a clearer picture of the characters involved, adding depth and enhancing the comedic effect of the punchline.