
A woman discovers a massive huntsman spider in her shower.

Have you ever experienced that urge to cautiously draw back the shower curtain in the bathroom due to an irrational fear of something lurking behind it? It’s a sensation most of us have encountered at least once. While we never actually come face-to-face with the boogieman in our showers if you happen to reside in Australia, you might stumble upon a Huntsman spider—now that sounds considerably more terrifying.

Cathy Cox, a resident of Perth, Australia, was taken aback when she discovered one of these spiders had taken residence in her shower. Suspecting it to be a Huntsman spider, she captured a photograph and shared it on an Australian spider identification website. “I believe there’s a splendid Huntsman spider residing in my shower,” Cathy penned. Although she is no longer in imminent danger, she pondered, “Should I relocate her? Merely contemplating the notion makes my heart race.”

Cathy’s post received swift responses from users, offering advice and suggestions. One user proposed that Cathy relocate the spider promptly to avoid the unsettling surprise of the arachnid descending from the ceiling during a shower. In a jesting manner, another person remarked that instead of moving the spider, Cathy should surrender her shower to the colossal creature and “utilize the hose for washing.” Someone else even humorously mentioned that the spider’s size made it seem capable of independently operating the shower.

While Cathy admitted in the comments that she had magnified the photos, she confirmed that the spider’s body length was approximately 4 1/2 cm and shared a better view of its actual size through a photo. Due to its size, Cathy expressed discomfort in moving the spider and decided, “I think I’ll use the other shower for now.” However, she remained open to any advice on how to safely remove the massive arachnid from its current location.

The Huntsman spider, known to inhabit various regions across Australia, is a colossal arachnid, with leg spans reaching between 10 and 12 inches at their largest! Although they may appear intimidating and are frequently encountered in households, they pose no real threat to humans. In fact, these sizable spiders are timid and tend to scuttle away when feeling threatened rather than attacking or biting. Nevertheless, discovering one residing inside your shower is certainly not an ideal scenario.

Experts strongly caution against directly handling Huntsman spiders, as their primary instinct is to escape rather than attack. However, it is important to note that just because they are generally non-aggressive does not mean they are incapable of biting. Huntsman spiders possess a formidable pair of fangs and venom, and provoking them can result in an unpleasant bite. Although the fangs themselves cause most of the pain and discomfort, rather than their venom.

Thankfully, Cathy could move the enormous spider to a location that was much farther away from her home and more suitable for it. She described her successful tactic in the comments, which included a blend of gentle coaxing and comforting words and finally led to the spider’s secure capture within a jar. The solution was a jam jar and a piece of card. It’s finally safely outdoors,” she said with excitement. What conclusions have you drawn from Cathy’s extraordinary experience? Furthermore, we cordially welcome you to share any personal interactions with the most obscene or unsettling discoveries you may have ever made within the privacy of your own shower. Please feel free to share your opinions!

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