Dean missed his father, an emptiness that seemed to grow larger every day. Not a day goes by that Dean doesn’t think of Officer Frank O’Neal, his father, whose smile and hearty laugh once filled their home. Frank was Dean’s hero, role model, and best friend. But that was all taken away when Frank lost his life in the line of duty six months ago.
The pain of losing his father was still fresh and cut deep. Dean’s mother Amy decided they needed a fresh start, a way to escape the painful memories that seemed to haunt every corner of their old lives. So they packed up their belongings and moved the family to California, hoping that a change of scenery would somehow ease their grief.
But no matter how far they’ve moved or how much time has passed, one thing has remained constant: Dean’s longing for a father. He missed their adventures, their late-night conversations, and the comforting presence of a strong and loving father. He missed how his father’s laugh could light up a room and how he could make any problem smaller with just a smile.
When Frank died, Dean’s mother Amy decided to move the family to California so they could get rid of the horrible memories. So why does Dean’s heart stop whenever he sees a cop?
Dean was at the mall looking for a birthday present for his mother. Knowing that it would be difficult for Amy to celebrate her first birthday without Frank, Dean wanted to get her something special.
He was looking for a product that his father would buy with some of his savings. He had his heart set on a beautiful piece of jewelry that would cost him everything.
When Dean entered the mall, there was a police car and two cops outside the side door. He gave them his attention as he passed them.
One act of kindness can make a huge difference in your life.
Hello, he said. I heard you are on a survey.
The seasoned policeman smiled. Hey, you young man, he said. In fact, we were instructed to be on the lookout for a suspect frequenting the region, but now we are helpless.
The younger police officer sighed, “Yeah. The men who took over are stuck downtown. We won’t be eating today.”
Dean sympathized and said, “That’s unfortunate.” He waved at the officers before walking into the air-conditioned mall. Terrible guys! They were suffocating and hungry in their police car.
He realized that his thinking was influenced by his father at that very moment. He ordered a large double pepperoni and cheese pie and some ice-cold sodas and walked to the pizza delivery location.
Dean went outside to deliver the pizza and drinks to the squad car. Hey, he said. Guys, I want you to have it.
“Boy,” the older man argued. “You weren’t supposed to!”
Dean shook his head sheepishly. He said it was nothing serious. My father was a policeman, you know. I believe I would like to express my gratitude to his officers.
where is your father asked the junior officer?
Dean pursed his lips to keep them from trembling and muttered, “He died six months ago.” My mother wanted us to move out of Portland even though we were already there.
You know how much we miss you.
The elderly man said quietly, “I know. Was he killed in the line of duty?”
Dean replied, “Yes.” They declared him a hero and gave us a medal and everything. But I still miss her. He was a hero, which makes me sad. I need a father more than a hero.
I see what you mean, snapped the junior officer. what is your name
Dean was his answer. Dean O’Neal said. I have to give my mom a present for her birthday tomorrow. She is not interested in celebrating, making cake, or doing anything else. He is incredibly down.
Stay strong young man,” the cop continued. It’s better now, Dean said with a shrug. I think,” he remarked. Mom says California would be better, but all I find there is alone. Anyway, I’ll talk to you later. Dean went back to the mall to find the card for his mother.
After spending on pizza, there just wasn’t enough money left for a bracelet. He found a card he thought she would like and went home. He never expected to encounter the police again.
When Dean came home from school the next day, there were two police cars waiting outside his door! As soon as he noticed something was wrong, he ran into the house yelling “MOM”.
His mother came out of the kitchen flushed and looking stressed. A large “Happy Birthday” banner hung in the living room and a delicious dinner was being prepared in the kitchen.
‘Mom?’ Dean asked. “What’s happening?”
Just then, the tall police officer Dean had been talking to outside the department store arrived, carrying a huge, elaborate birthday cake. Hi, Dean,” the cop said with a smile. “You did it!”
In the kitchen, three other policemen were dicing, slicing, and cooking. What? Dean shouted. “What’s happening?”
This is a welcoming committee, the senior officer stated. After learning that another police officer’s family had moved into our neighborhood, we wanted you to feel welcome.
Then Dean discovered a pile of presents on the couch. He asked, “What is it?”
They must have found out it’s my birthday,” Dean’s mother explained. Isn’t it lovely? Everyone was giving me presents!
Dean noticed the older officer wink. Madam, we are here to protect you and help you.
On what could have been a lonely and bleak night, Dean and Amy had a great time. The four cops prepared a delicious dinner, sang “Happy Birthday” and even wiped the dishes before leaving.
The police picnic was extended for Dean and Amy as well. Dean,” Amy said softly. “For the first time, I feel like we’re not alone. I promise we’ll be fine.
As Dean looked around at the officers trying to make his mother’s birthday special, he couldn’t help but believe that his father was looking down on them, smiling proudly at the kindness and compassion that had once filled their lives. more.
In that moment, Dean learned that even in the darkest of times, there can be rays of light and moments of unexpected joy. And he knew that his father’s legacy of service, kindness, and love would live on in their hearts, carried by the bonds they formed with their new friends in blue.