In a heartbreaking turn of events, the entertainment world mourns the loss of talented actress Park Soo Ryun, who was prematurely terminated after a devastating fall down the stairs. The 29-year-old actress, who was visiting South Korea from abroad, was known for her notable roles, including her appearance in the Disney+ K-drama “Snowdrop.” Her sudden and tragic passing left fans, friends, and family shocked and saddened.
The fatal incident happened on Sunday afternoon when Park Soo Ryun was walking home. The fall she suffered turned out to be severe, leading to her immediate hospitalization in the emergency room. Despite the dedicated efforts of doctors, the injuries she sustained were ultimately insurmountable and she was declared brain dead as a result of the accident.
The actress’ family has now announced their intention to donate her organs to someone in need. They said they would be “comforted” by the thought of her heart being donated to someone in need.
Park Soo Ryun’s mother told Soompi on Monday that only her brain is unconscious and that her heart is still beating. Someone has to seriously need [organs]. We, as her parents, will be able to sleep easy [knowing that her heart has gone to someone and is beating].”
The actress has since officially died. According to a Daily Mail report, Ryun’s last rites were apparently held on Monday and her family organized a wake for Ryun, which was held at the Suwon Hospital of Gyeonggi Provincial Medical Center in Jangan-gu, Suwon, Gyeonggi-do.
Lee Sang-yi and Jeon Mi-do, two well-known Asian performers, joined Park in the 2018 musical Il Tenore, which marked Park’s debut on the world stage. The Cellar, Othello, and The Day We Were In Love are just a few of the musicals and plays Ryun has appeared in that have earned her notable roles in addition to her Disney+ work.
As for television, Ryun made her debut in the 2021 series Snowdrop, playing a college student in the 1980s. There was Jisoo, the singer of Blackpink, and Jung Hae-in, the actor.
In addition to Ryun’s cast, Snow White was beset by other tragedies. Kim Mi-soo, Snowdrop’s second performer, died in January 2022 at the age of 29. Alongside Ryun and other actors, Mi-soo played a history student in the series. Although it was devastating news at the time, the cause of her death was not released.
The unexpected loss of Park Soo Ryun has left a deep void in the Korean entertainment industry, and the pain of her absence is deeply felt by all who know her. Her remarkable contributions and artistic endeavors during her short life will be a lasting testament to her talent and dedication to her craft.
As her friends, family, and supporters grapple with the devastating reality of her passing, they respectfully ask for privacy during this difficult time. Park Soo Ryun was a great talent who left this world far too young, but will forever be remembered for her incredible energy, passion, and dedication to her work. In our hearts, Park Soo Ryun will continue to shine brightly, and may she rest in peace.
A global community of fans and admirers joins in mourning, united in the deep sadness that comes with the loss of a promising and beloved actress.
World fans are in mourning.