
After Having Exclusively Sons, They Attempt for a Daughter ‘One Final Time’ and Welcome Quintuplets Instead

In the heart of North Dakota, Joshua and Megan Hulen embark on a remarkable journey that will change their family and touch the lives of many. It was a journey full of hope, surprise, and love that can only be found in the bonds of a close family.

Joshua and Megan’s story began with a simple but deep desire – to add a daughter to their family. With two wonderful sons already by their side, a seven-year-old and a two-year-old, they craved some extra estrogen in the household. Megan, in particular, kept this desire close to her heart, and together as a couple they decided to try “one last time” for a daughter.

The path they chose was not without problems. Initially, the couple explored the realm of fertility treatments in hopes of increasing their chances of having a daughter. However, fate had other plans for them. During this process, doctors identified certain problems that caused them to cancel further treatment. Little did Joshua and Megan know that this decision would lead them on an extraordinary journey that would defy the odds and rewrite their family’s story.

When asked by WKRG, Megan laughed and stated, “They’re not from IVF. They’re not COVID babies, her husband quickly added. That was before the epidemic turned their lives upside down.”

Joshua was able to accompany Megan on several early visits since the pregnancy started before the outbreak, which she appreciated. These meetings were crucial because they brought the family together and helped them stand as a unit against a huge challenge that was about to turn their lives upside down. Megan carried five children at once and the family also had to deal with the coronavirus outbreak and shutdowns.

“It was really crazy, something we never expected, for sure,” added Megan.

The Hulens already had two boys, ages two and seven, before they became pregnant. They made a last effort to see if their wish would come true because they wanted a girl.

The couple first tried fertility treatments. However, doctors stopped any further procedures after discovering several problems. Megan was ready to give birth to five new lives, so it was a good thing they did.

At our first ultrasound, which we had at six weeks, we found out there were five, Megan said.

Quite startling. I’d say it’s exciting and disturbing at the same time,” Joshua noted. Megan said, “Definitely, yes.

On September 2, at 32 weeks, Chloe, Adam, Emma, ​​Allison, and Madison were born.

According to Joshua, it’s miraculous, but also powerful.

Parents and doctors were surprised by the quintuple.

They’re not viable, one or two of them disappear or things like that happen, Megan added. “So we figured it’s not going to be five, okay? It’s going to be two, three, or some other number. We came back after a week and found five beats.

Not only were the babies the first quintuplets to be born in North Dakota, but the pregnancy also had a one in 43 million chance of success.

The baby’s older brother Jacob commented: “I’m glad to be home and it’s just amazing because you know, this never happened.”

We are very pleased and excited to have a big family, added Megan. It’s bigger than we thought it would be, but…

Joshua said, “Much bigger,”

Megan continued, “We are grateful for our blessings.

Joshua laughed and said, “Without a doubt. And we’ll be thankful for it when we finally get some sleep in the future.”

As the Hulens embark on this new chapter with their fives, they are united by love, faith, and a deep sense of gratitude. Their journey, from longing for a daughter to embracing families of five, is a testament to the unpredictability of life and the incredible capacity of the human heart to love unconditionally.

In conclusion, the story of the Hulen family is a reminder that life’s twists and turns can lead to unexpected and beautiful destinations. Their journey from a simple desire for a daughter to the arrival of a family of five is a testament to the power of hope, love, and the enduring power of family bonds. As they move forward with their newfound family of nine, they do so knowing that their story will inspire others to embrace the unexpected with open hearts and open arms.

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