
After Taking a Selfie, Mom Notices a Disturbing Reflection in Her Sunglasses

A selfie photo on Quora that caught the attention of many thanks to the mysterious entities she saw in the reflection of her glasses….

Massachusetts resident Sara Mereidos shared a selfie photo on Quora after seeing two mysterious entities in the reflection of her glasses.

In the caption of the selfie, she wrote: What’s the scariest thing you’ve discovered after taking a photo? I just ordered some new sunglasses and wanted to get some feedback before I decided on a pair when I took this photo over the summer. Please excuse RBF [resting b**** face]; I absolutely hate taking pictures. So I forwarded the picture to my friend, and while I waited for his reply, I began to think about how the glasses looked on me. It didn’t take long for me to discover something wrong in the reflection.

“I have three children,” the post read, “ages 18, 14, and 2. No one was home on this day, so I was alone. I was standing in my kitchen looking toward the dining area. My four chairs and my black dining table are just across the entrance. You should be able to see it in the reflection of my glasses. But that’s no problem. I understand.”

“I see two figures standing side by side, a small boy on the left standing motionless, and a taller (somewhat disturbing) figure on the right.” I have been told by more than one spiritual/psychic medium that she has the spirit of a young boy attached to me and that I also have bad energy associated with me,” she said. “Now I should say that I believe in and am completely open to ghosts/ghosts/entities and anything related to them… I tried to blame the homes I lived in, but since the shadows and nightmares were following me, it seems the dark energy is tied to me and not the homes. I’m not sure if it’s what the glasses reflect, but if I saw anything, it freaked me out.

Sara was supported by many in her evaluation of the thoughts, and some advised her to seek out a person who could drive the “entities” away.

You definitely have a dark entity there, wrote one commenter. Of course. It has somewhat pointed ears and eyes that are visible. I’m not sure, but when you focus on the kid, it looks like an arm is coming down toward him from the left. There can be three things. You should really be afraid of the dark one.

Someone else commented: “WTF! Even just looking at the picture it scared the living crap out of me. I actually jumped when I saw it; it was so scary.

However, some people maintained their skepticism, claiming that the figures were an illusion caused by either the angle of the photograph or the reflection of the light.

People see what they want to see, according to one commenter. I miss your ability to see. Just reflections and light effects. There are times when the simplest explanations are the best.

Another said: “Plz don’t listen to ‘psychic mediums’ and don’t be ‘open to ghosts. This is the 21st century. They would publish these findings in professional journals if they were legit. Aliens are more likely to be seen than ghosts, I think.

Another contributor found the story interesting but ultimately believed that people often see what they want to see or what they fear, suggesting that the anomalies in the photo were likely caused by reflections and distorted images.

In the end, Sara’s experience with her selfie and the subsequent reactions she received highlighted the interesting and sometimes polarizing nature of the paranormal. Whether it was truly an encounter with mysterious entities or the result of photographic whimsy, the story has generated a range of reactions from believers and skeptics alike, contributing to a continuing fascination with the unexplained.

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