
An elderly person was eating at a truck stop when three harsh-looking bikers strolled in.

As they passed the elderly person, the first biker drove his cigarette into the elderly person’s pie, then snickered and sat down at the counter.

The second biker got the elderly person’s milk and spit into it. The third biker turned over the elderly person’s plate before joining the others at the counter.

Without saying a word to the snickering bikers, the elderly person put his cash down, got up, and left the cafe. One of the bikers shared with the server, “Not a very remarkable man, right?”

The server answered,” Not a very remarkable transporter by the same token. He just upheld his huge apparatus more than three cruisers!”

1 thought on “An elderly person was eating at a truck stop when three harsh-looking bikers strolled in.”

  1. I once was an one percenter and I never saw anything ever like that, Crap like this is stupid we really are a hell of a nice bunch unless fu–ed with.

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