
At 13, All He Aspires to Be is a Beloved Son After Years in Foster Care

Tim, a resilient 13-year-old from Texas, has spent most of his life in foster care. He was thrown into the foster care system at the tender age of three, and unfortunately, ten years later, he still hasn’t found a permanent family to call his own. It is a heartbreaking reality that a percentage of young people never get the opportunity to be adopted, leaving them to navigate the challenges of adulthood without the stability and support of a loving family. Many end up facing the harsh reality of life on the streets, struggling to secure employment or housing.

What 13-year-old Tim wants more than anything else is the chance to just be someone’s son. It’s a modest wish, yet it holds deep meaning for a young boy who spent his formative years in a state of uncertainty and transition. Recognizing his sincere desire, Tim’s caseworkers went above and beyond to take him to another region of the country to introduce him to Wednesday’s Child, an initiative to connect foster children with potential adoptive families. With unwavering determination, this kind-hearted boy, who moved from one temporary home to another, maintained that his future family would not face any problems with him as he was, in his own words, a “pure angel”.

During the presentation, photos of Tim from different periods of his life were shown on the screen. When he first entered the system, he had huge, bright eyes full of optimism, but as time went on and the search for stability with a forever family tired him out, he began to lose that spark.

Kind of like a prison without walls. You have a runner, but if you run, where will you go? You can go absolutely nowhere but back to the starting point, he said. “I know I want mom and dad at least,” Tim continued.

He expects to find compassion and empathy in his mother. “Someone who cares and cares for me. Even though he may worry about me, even if I’m embarrassing myself for it, he’ll continue to do so. Every time I walk through the door, he’ll ask how I’m doing,” commented Tim . .

He has a dream in which his father would always be his special idol. Someone who can teach him what it’s like to be a man by playing ball with him. If I do, he will escort me outside. It restores a bit of normality for me. Tim said.

He added that he really wants to have siblings and that he would love it if the family had more children.

Once Tim finds a family, he won’t have to worry about what his life will be like when he turns 18. He envisions a future full of freedom, where he can walk out the door whenever he wants, knowing his family trusts him. and believe in him. It’s a vision of independence and security that many take for granted, but for Tim it represents a beacon of hope on the horizon.

In conclusion, Tim’s journey through foster care is a poignant reminder of the thousands of children who yearn for the stability and love of a forever family. His desire to be someone’s son is a testament to the enduring human need for connection, belonging, and unconditional love. As Tim continues his search for a family, let’s remember that there are countless other children like him who are hoping and waiting for their chance to find a place to call home. Tim’s story serves as a call to action, challenging us all to consider how we can positively impact the lives of foster children who are searching for their forever family.

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