Barbie the Human After a GQ writer alluded to Valeria Lukyanova as a “bigoted space outsider” after a meeting, Valeria Lukyanova has drawn a lot of consideration.
It’s reasonable that Valeria has caused a commotion in the wake of going through a huge number of pounds worth of medical procedure to make herself almost indistinguishable from Barbie.
On her Facebook page throughout the end of the week, she posted roughly 100 pictures of herself, large numbers of which showed Valeria with Significantly less cosmetics than she normally utilizes for her all out Barbie appearance, as displayed in the picture beneath.
Valeria looks discernibly less like Barbie as she drives to the rec center and gets things done. Naturally.
Valeria as of late said, “as of late I have not been ravenous by any means,” which unfortunately proposes that she might have a dietary problem. I’m trusting it’s the last step before I can live off of air and light.