
Black Couple Welcomes Three White Children, Emphasizing ‘Families Can Be Different’

The married couple thought they would never become more than uncle and aunt after many failed attempts to conceive.

However, one day they received an unexpected phone call that changed their lives.

Being happy as a parent is a rare and rare experience that many couples long for throughout their lives. And that’s when adoption and foster care come in to shine and give people the opportunity to complete a family.

Adoption is always an option, and non-traditional families can be just as beautiful as traditional ones. The story of Sadie and Jarvis Sampson shows that love is the only thing that can bring people together.

Missing on family vacation

It all started when Sampson missed a four-day family cruise to Mexico due to work fatigue. Two weeks ago, Sadie started a new job; a few weeks ago her husband started a new job.

Sadie realized she should have brought her younger sister’s life jacket before leaving. Since she was also going on a trip, she decided to drop off her sister’s jacket at her aunt’s house and grab it after driving to her house.

Her best friend texted her while she was traveling. Would Sadie and Jarvis be interested in adopting or fostering a child? She asked. Sadie was hesitant because she believed it would be more expensive than IVF. However, her acquaintance had more information available.

Difficulty becoming a parent

“Well, my friend and her boyfriend are thinking about putting their son up for adoption or foster care. Sadie’s friend replied, ‘I told them I think you would be a great fit (sic).'” The Simpsons knew well. , what it was like to want to be parents.

The woman’s adoption preferences led to judgments such as calling her a “kidnapper” and treating white children differently.

After getting married in January 2018, the couple actively tried to conceive. They covered everything from prenatal vitamins and ovulation testing to fertility monitors and cycle-tracking apps. Unfortunately, nothing worked.

An unexpected phone call

After several negative pregnancy tests, they went to the doctor.

Every doctor Sadie met told her to lose weight or she would get pregnant. Sadie underwent gastric bypass surgery in February 2019 and lost 28 pounds in the first month after the procedure.

However, after numerous visits to the maternity hospital and fertility specialists, the Sampsons were still not pregnant. Eventually,, they gave up and believed they were just uncle and aunt. A week later, Sadie’s boyfriend reconnected with her and then with the case worker.

While Sadie was receiving therapy, the worker informed her that the birth mother had asked if they would be willing to foster the baby for six to twelve months. Despite fears that they would become attached to the boy, the Sampsons decided to take him in.

Having children at once

A case worker called the couple again shortly after and informed them that the mother wanted them to adopt the child. Jarvis and Sadie were in disbelief. The child became foster parents in no time and eventually became parents.

The Simpsons then learned that the child’s biological parents wanted a separate adoption. As a result, they called their lawyer and immediately had the required documents prepared. Sadie then decided to tell her mother the wonderful news.

“YOU ARE GOING TO BE A GRANDMA! We are adopting a two-week-old baby and they called us about him,” Sadie said. She heard her mom jump for joy. Sadie and Jarvis went to see their child after his parents signed the papers.

Hello, little Ezra

They saw their child for the first time when they went to the hospital in the ICU. At 33 weeks, he was born seven weeks ahead of schedule and weighed four pounds, five ounces. The child was so small that it fits in one of Jarvis’ hands; and was wrapped in a blanket.

The infant had a feeding tube coming out of his nose due to premature birth.

Sadie and Jarvis settled their jobs and spent the rest of the day at the hospital taking care of the baby. The day finally came when he stopped using the feeding tube.

The Simpsons were told they could bring him home. On doctor’s advice, they took their lucky bundle of joy home. After Ezra Lee was approved for adoption in October 2020, he brought joy and love to his adoptive parents’ lives.

Families don’t have to match.

The Sampsons recognized their struggle as parents after welcoming baby Ezra into the world. The newlyweds began sharing their journey on social media, expressing their immense gratitude for their son.

Sadie and Jarvis became the parents of twins, girls Journee and Destinee, in 2021 thanks to embryo donation. The black couple, who lived by their family motto, “Families don’t have to match,” had three white children: a boy and two girls.

For anyone who criticizes or talks bad about their beautiful family, Sadie and Jarvis have just one message: love is the strongest foundation of all.

Love is greater than everything else.

Deciding to adopt children from a different race can attract unnecessary attention from people, including harsh comments. Like Sadie and Jarvis, a black mother from Connecticut was criticized when she adopted two white siblings.

From being labeled a “kidnapper” to preferential treatment for white children, the woman was judged for her adoption preferences. But through true motherly feelings, she showed the world that love transcends racial discrimination.

Sadie and Jarvis Sampson’s journey to parenthood illustrates the profound impact of love and the power of unexpected opportunities. Initially overwhelmed by the challenges of conception, they found themselves facing an uncertain future. However, their willingness to accept the possibility of foster care and finally adoption changed everything. An unexpected call from Sadie’s boyfriend not only opened the door to a new life but also highlighted the transformative potential of love in non-traditional families. 

Their experiences highlight that families come in many forms and that bonds of love can create connections that transcend societal expectations and prejudices. When the Simpsons welcomed their son, Ezra, and later their twins, they reinforced their belief that a family is not defined by skin color or biological ties, but by the love and care shared among its members. By sharing their story, they inspire others to consider adoption and foster care as viable paths to building a family, reminding everyone that love is the ultimate foundation of family.

In a world where judgment and bias often overshadow compassion, Sadie and Jarvis are a testament to the idea that love conquers all. Their family, diverse but united, challenges long-held notions and advocates of acceptance.

By choosing to love and care for children regardless of race, they are modeling a beautiful reality where love truly knows no boundaries. Their story is a powerful reminder that every child deserves a loving home and every family, no matter how it was formed, deserves to be celebrated and respected.

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