
Cab Driver Evicts Woman in Labor, Receives Letter from Birth Center Later — Story of the Day

Patrick, a taxi driver, is a widower struggling to support himself after learning that his youngest child has leukemia.

He makes an unfortunate choice when he has the chance to help a woman in labor.

Patrick sank into a chair at the kitchen table.

Having just finished his interview with his son’s hematologist-oncologist, he felt like everything was coming to an end.

The doctor said, “Your son needs more treatment.” It would be more accurate to say that Mikey needed the moon given the cost of the procedure. Both the family’s basic needs and Mikey’s chemotherapy costs were beyond Patrick’s paycheck.

“Daddy, will you color with me?” Mikey came into the kitchen with crayons and coloring books. He hesitated when he saw Patrick’s face. “Dad, are you okay? You’re crying.”

Patrick wiped away his tears and faked a smile. “I got pepper in my eye while cooking dinner, that’s all.”

“Good.” Mikey placed his coloring book on the kitchen table and smiled. “You color the dragon and I’ll make the daffodils.”

Mikey handed the crayon to Patrick who accepted.

The shade of blood red caused a new wave of hopelessness. He hoped he could take Mikey’s sickness out of the boy and beat him up with his fists. He hoped his son would not have to go through this ordeal.

“Come on, Dad!” Mikey elbowed him gently.

Patrick was hired a few days later as a part-time taxi driver. He was excited but would be on probation at first. This was exactly what Mikey’s treatment required.

“Here’s a list of things to do. As Patrick put the list on the fridge, he talked to his two oldest children, Vincent and Stacey. “You can text me if you need to, but don’t call unless it’s urgent, okay?”

Vincent and Stacey nodded. Although they had previously taken care of their three younger brothers, Mikey had become more fragile recently.

“Don’t worry, Dad. We can do it.” He got a thumbs-up from Stacey.

Patrick’s employer called him into his office at the end of the week.

“Congratulations.” The man held out his hand to Patrick. “I’m in awe. Patrick, you broke the sales record in your first week! I want you to stay, and I’ll pay you a bonus in recognition of your efforts.”

Life seemed to catch Patrick by surprise just when he believed that his family’s future would be more promising than he had anticipated. As he was driving a client to the airport, the cabin started making a disturbing noise.

Patrick called his supervisor and took the car to be repaired. When he learned that he would have to foot the bill for any repairs, he opened his mouth.

Patrick grunted, “Typical” and shoved his phone back into his pocket. “One day you get a bonus and the next day you throw it to the wolves.

At that moment, a mechanic came over to talk to him and estimate the cost of replacing the worn parts that were giving the car trouble.

“What are those things made of, honey?” Patrick shook his head in disbelief. As much as he felt like jumping in a cab and heading out, delaying the repairs would mean he would have to work later and make less money.

Patrick angrily ordered the mechanic, “Just do what you need to.”

“No need to be rude, man.

Patrick shot the man a wild look as he left.

Given how much the crap cost him, rudeness was clearly necessary! Like he didn’t have a million other things he could do with that money.

After the costly repairs, Patrick’s desire to make as much money as possible increased. While some drivers took a few minutes to eat before starting their shift, Patrick would rather waste his time packing chatty clients.

Feeling like ants under his skin, Patrick was waiting for the client he had arranged to be picked up when he noticed the minutes ticking by. He finally reached his breaking point. He called the woman to find out her whereabouts.

The woman began to say, “I’m on my way, I just…” and then stopped and made a strange gasping sound.

“I’m having trouble…walking.

Patrick drummed his fingers on the dashboard. After a while, a very pregnant woman approached the car. He noticed that once she was inside, she seemed to have trouble breathing. He looked at her in the rearview mirror. She was pale and sweaty.

Patrick said, “Are you okay?”

“I just need to rest. As she finished the sentence, the woman’s voice was injured.

Although he had no time to worry about strangers, Patrick was worried. The roads were slippery due to the rainy day. Since no one wanted to walk in the rain, it was also a fantastic day to make money. However, the woman’s comment as Patrick arrived at the crosswalk changed everything.

“I think my water just broke!”

Patrick went insane. He immediately considered how much it would cost, how long it would take, and how much time it would waste cleaning his cabin.

“You have to get out. Patrick looked around. “I’m sorry ma’am but I can’t deal with it.

The woman cried out in pain. “Oh my god, the baby is coming.

Patrick stopped the car at the bus stop. After partially removing the woman from the car, he placed her on the bench. When he looked away, she tugged on his sleeve.

“Please don’t leave me. Her eyes glittered with anxiety as she raised them to Patrick.

“Sorry, but I have to. Patrick grabbed his sleeve. “I’m going to call an ambulance to help you. I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

With the rain pouring down, Patrick hurried back to his car. After calling 911 on the pregnant woman, he sped away. There was nothing more he could do for the young woman, he thought as he drove.

Priorities must be set for his own family. When his own family needed support, he couldn’t afford to help some random stranger. Mikey always had to come first.

Patrick took the next day off work to take Mikey to the hospital for treatment. Because his phone had been ringing non-stop all night, he was tired. The caller was an unknown number every time. Since Patrick was sure it was a telemarketer, he didn’t return any calls.

After a short trip to the grocery store, Patrick was surprised to find a letter marked “priority express” in his mailbox.

“What the…” Patrick took the envelope in his hands and turned it over. When he opened it, he was shocked to see something quite different from what he expected the bill to be.

The letter was from a maternity clinic in the area and they were asking him to contact them immediately regarding Mrs. Jenny Reid. Patrick didn’t know Jenna existed. After unpacking the goods, he threw the note on the kitchen table.

Later, when Patrick took Mikey to the hospital, he recognized the birthing center a block from where he was sent.

“It’s probably a mistake, but it can’t hurt to check.

After taking Mikey to the hospital, Patrick returned to the center. As he entered the building, he offered his name to the receptionist.

“Thank heavens!” The woman put both hands on her chest and put down the iPad.

“We did everything to get you, Mr. Murphy!”

Patrick listened wide-eyed as the woman informed him that they had tried to contact him several times to inform him that the mystery woman, Jenna, was having problems after birth and had to be sent to the hospital.

The woman said, “He’s in intensive care now.” It’s really unfortunate. If she had come earlier, all of this could have been prevented. Of course, we contacted you first because yours was the last number she dialed on her phone, but it would be great to have information about your relationship with the patient for our records.”

“I know what it’s like to be alone in this world and it sucks when you have no one to rely on.

Patrick suddenly realized. Her late arrival at the facility, his number on the phone…The mom-to-be whose water broke in the cab yesterday had to be Jenna!

“Wasn’t there anyone else you could have called?” Patrick asked. “Husband or parents?”

The woman frowned. “We don’t have any emergency numbers on file for her.”

As the woman continued to speak, Patrick turned to leave. His hands shook as guilt twisted in his stomach. He needed to be aware of Jenna’s fate. When he asked about Jenna in the intensive care unit, he rushed back to the hospital.

“I’m sorry, but he’s unconscious and not allowed visitors at this time,” the nurse told him. “Are you family?”

He said, “Uh…I’m a family friend,” in a hoax. “Please, when can I see her?”

A few days later, Patrick was sitting next to Jenna’s bed with his head in his hands. A nurse brought a baby to a young woman while he was visiting and he couldn’t look at her. Rather, he wrestled with his guilt and listened to the machine’s beep.

“I’m really sorry,” he muttered. “If I could go back in time I would. I never imagined it would work this way.”

Patrick exhaled. Mikey was no stranger to suffering after he had been treated for leukemia and buried his wife five years ago, but now he felt guilty for the suffering he had caused this young woman and her child.

The next day, and the day after that, Patrick returned. He watched the machines keeping Jenna alive in silence as he sat by her bed. On his next visit, the nurse brought Jenna’s daughter back into the room.

“Nice to see you back here. The nurse smiled at Patrick.

“It’s horrible for the family to constantly visit comatose patients, but we believe it’s beneficial for them. Quite a few patients have reported hearing what was going on around them while they were in the coma.”

Patrick just nodded. He looked at the child in her bed. She gurgled at him, flailing her limbs in the air.

Patrick let the baby touch his finger in her little hands. She squirmed nonstop in her crib.

“You’re not a busy little lady,” Patrick said.

“Where… you!”

Patrick turned and was shocked to see Jenna staring at him. She looked at the crib, frowned, looked back at him, and screamed.

“No, it’s fine. Patrick raised his hands. He laughed with relief. “I’m not here to hurt you, and your baby is fine. I’ve come to apologize.”

Then a nurse burst into the room. “What’s going on here?”

awake!” Patrick pointed at Jenna with a smile.

Doctors and nurses rushed into the room to check on Jenna, so Patrick had to leave. He fell on a chair outside. Tears of relief streamed down his cheeks.

The next day, Patrick returned to see Jenna.

He expressed regret for throwing her out of the taxi and explained his belief that it was his only option.

“All I saw was money,” the man remarked. “How much would it cost to clean up, how much time would it take, and how much would I lose doing it.” He hung his head in shame.

“Calculating the cost of helping a stranger is a daunting situation, but that’s exactly what I did.

“I understand.” Jenna sighed. “I know what it’s like to be alone in this world and it sucks when you have no one to rely on.

Patrick and Jenna became close, almost like family, because he visited her often. Her daughter even called him grandpa when she started talking.

After raising enough funds for Mikey’s medical care, he went into remission.

Years later, when they gathered around the Thanksgiving table, Patrick felt happiness well up in his chest as he looked around the table. He was overcome with gratitude to be surrounded by such an amazing group of people.

What lessons can we learn from this story?

We are stronger together. It’s easy to become introverted and focus solely on our own problems, but it’s important to remember that everyone needs each other’s help when they’re in need.

The price of kindness is incalculable. Doing a nice deed may cost you money and effort, but your help is greatly appreciated by a person in need.

Patrick’s story is a profound reminder of the transformative power of compassion and the interconnectedness of our lives. Patrick’s decision to prioritize his needs, initially fueled by his own desperation and financial burden, led to a moment of deep regret. His initial refusal to help a stranger in need reflects the difficult decisions many of us face when our own lives are filled with overwhelming challenges. However, Patrick’s journey does not end in despair, but in redemption, as he eventually realizes the importance of selflessness and the profound impact that a single act of kindness can have.

Through his growing bond with Jenna and her daughter, Patrick finds a new sense of purpose and family that transcends his immediate concerns. His willingness to face his mistakes and offer a sincere apology brings healing not only to Jenna, but to himself as well. The strength he gains from the support of others will eventually help him navigate his son’s illness and find joy in the family he has built along the way.

This story teaches us that in times of difficulty, reaching out to others can lead to unexpected and rewarding connections. It highlights the value of empathy and reminds us that while kindness may cost something, the rewards—both emotional and spiritual—are immeasurable. Ultimately, Patrick’s life is enriched not by the money he earns, but by the love and community he fosters through his actions.

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