
Carol Burnett Reflects on Her Late Daughter, Carrie, as She Approaches Her 90th Birthday

As Carol Burnett approaches her 90th birthday later this month, she is not only celebrating her remarkable nine decades of professional achievements but also reflecting on the profound tragedy of losing her daughter, Carrie Hamilton, 21 years ago.

Carol Burnett candidly shares, “There’s hardly a day, or even a moment, that passes without thoughts of her presence.” Carrie, one of the three daughters Burnett had with her second husband, Joe Hamilton, was a constant source of inspiration and collaboration. “We shared our joys, our sorrows, and our laughter,” Burnett fondly recalls. “She was a force to be reckoned with.”

Carrie Hamilton followed in her mother’s footsteps, pursuing a career as an actress. She notably portrayed Reggie Higgins in the television series “Fame” and appeared in films such as “Tokyo Pop” and “Shag.” In 1990, mother and daughter joined forces to co-write the play “Hollywood Arms,” based on Burnett’s autobiographical account of her childhood. Their artistic collaboration also extended to an episode of the television series “Carol & Company.”

However, alongside her career achievements, Carrie faced her share of personal battles, including drug addiction. Tragically, she also grappled with lung and brain cancer, a diagnosis made in 2002. Carrie passed away in January of the following year, at the tender age of 38.

Burnett vividly recalls the challenging times during her daughter’s illness. “I remember visiting her every single day when she was in the hospital,” she shares. On one particular day, a hospital nurse remarked on Carrie’s unwavering positivity. When questioned about her perpetual upbeat attitude, Carrie responded, “Every day, I wake up and make a choice.” The keyword here is “choice.”

In the present, Burnett herself embraces this philosophy, stating, “I remind myself of that every morning.” The six-time Golden Globe winner is acutely aware of life’s fleeting nature. She underscores the importance of taking life one day at a time, acknowledging that each day holds the potential for significant changes. Her advice is simple yet profound: “Be grateful for what you have today.”

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