The concept behind the recently proposed cooking competition show, Drag Kitchen, was both unique and captivating. The show would have featured sixteen competitors competing for a chance to secure the prestigious quarter-million dollar position of Chef at the Fancy Pantz casino in Las Vegas. Moreover, the winner would have received their cookbook deal and a two-year contract to perform as a drag queen.
Sadly, despite having already been given the green light by Disney studios at Fox Broadcasting and being on the verge of casting, it appears that the show will not be taking place. The idea for Drag Kitchen was initially brought forth by Joe Barron, who serves as the head of entertainment facilities for Gordon Ramsay.
However, when Ramsay caught wind of the concept, he quickly put a stop to it. The famous chef reportedly exclaimed, “Are they bloody kidding me?” and expressed his strong opposition to the idea of drag queens as contestants. He even compared the idea to “the bloody Berkeley California performing arts center.” Ramsay’s decision to nix the program brought consternation to the studio, which had always counted on him to be a part of their cooking competition shows. In fact, Ramsay had even taken part in teaching convicts to bake in England.
Regrettably, it seems that Ramsay’s attitude towards the concept of the show was not as progressive as the network had anticipated. The idea of having drag queens compete on the show was too unconventional for his liking, and it pushed him too far out of his comfort zone. He expressed his frustration towards the idea, stating that the proposed show “Towel Chef,” which was about cooks wearing towels on their heads, was at least featuring regular people. Ramsay’s comments indicate that he was not willing to embrace the inclusion of a diverse range of contestants on the show.
Although Drag Kitchen will not be airing anytime soon, it is commendable that the concept was brought to light. It is important to challenge norms and boundaries and to create more inclusive and diverse shows that can reach wider audiences. Hopefully, in the future, there will be more opportunities for people from all walks of life to showcase their talents and be celebrated.
Good for Ramsey putting his morals before letting drag queens take over a cooking show.
I’m having enough “woke” crap being foisted on me in TV commercials, TV series and reality shows. Thank God Gordon put his foot down!
Thank you for not accepting mockery in this venue of life, I am so grateful, no more “ME”, drama. just the simple well done job.
enough already!! quit pushing your immorality onto everyday Americans..we need morals and the Lord back into America’s we are falling apart as a nation ….by the way..why do you need my personal not like that
Good on you Gordon. Promoting drag queens is both degrading and offensive.
I’m SO glad that Gordin Ramsey had the balls to stand up and say “NO F’ing WAY!” to disney trying to push and promote their woke-trans agenda.
I’m a gay man and I Am Sick and Tired of the “trans” people, AND their Ridiculous supporters, trying to shove this “lifestyle” down EVERYONE’S Collective Throats! It’s completely out of control.
Thank God that Ramsey had enough Gumption, AND F-You money to stop this train wreck of a show in its tracks