Max’s outburst, while comical, sheds light on the complex emotions and communication styles of animals, especially intelligent ones like cockatoos. It is understandable that animals may feel anxious or upset about visiting the vet, as these are often unfamiliar environments and experiences. If the bird were to react in a similar way, it would be essential to approach the situation with patience, empathy, and understanding. Responding with frustration or force could escalate the bird’s anxiety and hinder trust between the bird and its owner. Instead, calmly addressing the bird’s problems and providing reassurance can help ease its anxiety and facilitate a smoother transition to the vet. Ultimately, Max’s outburst serves as a reminder of the importance of empathy and compassion in our interactions with animals, promoting a deeper understanding and bond between humans and their feathered companions.

Many times animals do not like to visit the vet. It’s clear that they don’t like being at the clinic, whether they know their destination before arriving or not.
When Max the cockatoo learned in advance of the desired trip, he grabbed and hid under the bench, interrupting his owner.
Although Max’s owner eventually managed to get him back outside, the footage of his earlier meltdown is hilarious.

Max speaks in a deep voice at the beginning of the video, as if he is nervous or angry about something. He lets out a guttural scream, backing into a corner near the shelf and ruffling his feathers some more. Now you can hear his owner say, “Leave, you must get into your carrier.” In response, Max uses the same low tone to sound like he’s talking to him. It’s fun to watch, almost like it’s a youngster throwing a tantrum and fighting with their parents.

Max quickly ducks under the lowest shelf as if trying to hide, still muttering softly while clearly refusing to follow orders. His unusual behavior, such as his occasional screeching and mumbling, is actually how cockatoos communicate, as they cannot copy human words as well as parrots. So don’t worry about it.
It is said that the position of a cockatoo’s crest can reveal its mood. When it is high, the bird is energetic, alert, or agitated; when it falls, it moves or feels pliable.
The bird is either eating, resting, or otherwise content when its comb is relaxed.
Max initially displays the comb because it’s obvious he doesn’t want to see the vet. But when he emerges from under the shelf, Max is seen under a small table in another picture. Here he starts on the same note, using a loud voice with a rising crest, but gradually his crest lowers and his pitch rises.
It almost sounds like he’s sputtering, explaining why he knows he needs to go to the vet even though he’s not excited about it.
Max continues to throw a huge tantrum during the confrontation, to which his owner replies, “You heard what I said, get your ass out.” Max continues to argue, but after the owner firmly addresses him by name, Max seems to cool down a bit and lowers his comb.
It is fascinating to see how the bird owner and his companion communicate when words are not an option. Although Max is clearly irritated with the vet, it’s no big deal. He clearly needed to vent and explain his displeasure to his owner, but now he’s ready to make amends and visit the clinic.
How did you feel about Max’s outburst? If a bird responded to you in this way, how would you respond?
Witnessing Max’s outburst was fun and interesting at the same time. It is fascinating to observe how animals, even as intelligent as cockatoos, express their emotions and communicate with their owners. If the bird were to react in a similar way, it would be important to remain calm and patient, as a reaction of frustration or aggression could further escalate the situation. Instead, gentle and firm communication coupled with an understanding of the bird’s needs and emotions would be the most effective approach to resolving the situation and ensuring a positive outcome for both the bird and its owner. Ultimately, Max’s tantrum serves as a reminder of the unique bond between animals and their human companions, highlighting the importance of empathy, patience, and mutual respect in building a harmonious relationship.