Barbra Streisand’s multifaceted career has not only cemented her status as an iconic entertainer but also positioned her as a passionate advocate for women’s health. Through her personal experiences and commitment to raising awareness, Streisand has drawn much-needed attention to gender disparities in the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease. Her advocacy efforts, including the founding of The Women’s Heart Alliance and the Barbra Streisand Women’s Heart Center, have paved the way for significant advances in research, education, and support for women’s heart health. Streisand’s dedication to the cause serves as a testament to the power of using one’s platform to effect positive change and improve the lives of others.
Barbara Streisand is a household name.
One of the best-selling artists of all time, the diva is also known for her charity work and political views. A celebrity successfully combined the two a few years ago by going public and battling a deadly disease that she knows personally.

The wealthy Ron Perelman, an actor and singer who won several Oscars, created the Women’s Heart Alliance in 2014. Streisand said that because of the gender disparity in heart health, she was “absolutely stunned” to see that bias persisted in the hospital’s emergency department… The Evergreen singer has vowed to improve the Barbra Streisand Women’s Heart Center at the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute in Los Angeles.
Streisand, 79, says, “Fifteen years ago, I read an article about gender differences in heart health in The New York Times.”
“I was shocked to learn that cardiovascular disease kills more women than all cancers combined and that women do not receive the same attention or treatment as men.
“I have never understood why equal treatment of men and women is not the norm.
Many people do not know that women are more likely than men to die within a year after a heart attack.
The actress went on to say that because heart disease is seen as a “man’s disease,” doctors are often “more dismissive” of women’s complaints about symptoms that may be related to heart problems.
“For many years, heart disease was seen as a male condition, and women with comparable or stranger symptoms were often misdiagnosed as having stomach problems or being emotionally unhappy,” the Grammy Award winner said.
However, Streisand has a personal connection to the topic of heart health, having lost her mother, Diana, to the disease at the age of 81.
In an interview about her mother’s health and the emergency bypass surgery she needed, the actress believes that misconceptions about the condition are causing women to die too young.
Because many people do not realize that symptoms in women are often different and more subtle than in men, the disease is commonly misdiagnosed. Rather than the iconic display of excruciating chest pain more common in men, our early heart attack symptoms may include nausea, back discomfort, extreme fatigue, or shortness of breath,” notes the expert.
In an effort to debunk these myths, Streisand has launched a campaign encouraging women to get regular heart screenings, especially if they are experiencing symptoms and want to take “proactive” steps to reduce their risk.
A different ad the previous year urged young women and women of color to be aware of the symptoms, while one labeled heart disease a “killer of women” by The Women’s Heart Alliance.
The British Heart Foundation also commented on the “gender gap” in heart health in the UK. Dr. Sonya Babu-Narayan, associate medical director of the British Heart Foundation, said: “The odds of someone surviving a heart attack have changed over decades of research. If you’re a woman, the odds are different.”.

According to the Bias and Biology briefing, women are 50% more likely than men to receive a wrong initial heart attack diagnosis. After a heart attack, women are also less likely to be prescribed medication to help prevent another attack.
Although each person may experience the symptoms of a heart attack differently, the organization says the most common warning signs are as follows:
sudden onset and persistent chest pain or discomfort. It might feel pinched, squeezed, or squeezed.
You may experience pain in your neck, jaw, back, abdomen, or left or right arm. feeling nauseous, sweating, dizzy, or short of breath.
Heart disease is one of the leading causes of heart attacks according to the NHS. The accumulation of fatty substances in the coronary arteries prevents or stops the flow of blood through the heart.
Over time, these fatty deposits can cause the walls of the arteries to become rough. Atherosclerosis is the term used to describe the fat deposition process known as atheroma.
Individuals can improve their health and reduce the risk of heart attack and atheroma formation by adopting a specific lifestyle. These include:

following a healthy and balanced diet, increasing physical exercise, and quitting smoking can help control cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
According to reports, Streisand has worked out with the same trainer for more than 30 years and pays special attention to her diet. She is an enthusiastic supporter of a healthy lifestyle.
“I try to include vegetables, fruits, and vegetables in most meals,” she said. I like to eat fish and chicken, but sometimes I’ll have plant-based protein instead of meat.’
She jokingly said, “I love to eat and it doesn’t take much to stop me from focusing on my intentions.”
Reducing the likelihood of dementia and stroke are two other health benefits of heart health.
Barbra Streisand’s Heart Women’s Health Advocacy serves as both a personal mission and a public awareness campaign that sheds light on gender disparities in the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease. Through her personal experiences and determination to honor her mother’s memory, Streisand highlighted the importance of recognizing and addressing the unique symptoms of heart problems in women. Her efforts with The Women’s Heart Alliance and her own lifestyle underscore the importance of taking proactive measures to maintain heart health. As we learn more about heart disease and its impact on individuals, Streisand’s advocacy serves as a beacon of hope and empowerment, encouraging women to prioritize their cardiovascular health and take control of their health journey.