
Cost is Correct’ contender shocks Drew Carey with ‘best Exhibit bid throughout the entire existence of the show’

In Friday’s shocking episode of The Cost is Correct, the cost was practically right.

Have Drew Carey was totally shocked during the Grandstand Standoff when a member put a bid so close to the genuine worth of the thing that Carey alluded to it as the “best Exhibit bid throughout the entire existence of the show.”

Playing the game, Patrice Masse of Grande Grassland, Alberta, Canada, high level the entire way to the Feature Standoff. He bid $39,500 for an award bundle that incorporated another vehicle and an excursion to Miami.

Carey was delivered astounded when it came time to uncover the award bundle’s actual worth.
He began, “Thus, let me tell ya..” while Masse and the crowd were standing by restlessly for the result.
“3,000, 81.”

Since Masse’s offered was under $1, he brought back home the two award bundles.
The ongoing guidelines express that the champ of the two grandstands is the contender who draws near $250 without going over. Masse was one of a handful of the Twofold Grandstand Victors of the show on the grounds that to his astounding supposition.

Patrice, congrats! What a fabulous triumph. That will without a doubt rank among the best triumphs in game show history.

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