
Customer Criticizes Restaurant for Secretly Including ‘Live Music’ Fee on Their Bill

Dining is a favorite pastime for many, offering the perfect combination of good food and a pleasant atmosphere.

While watching a show while having dinner is usually nice, how would you feel if you were charged for it without knowing it?

Everyone likes to go out to eat, right?

The worst part is when you receive the bill and have to check it carefully to make sure there are no over payments or hidden charges.

A Reddit user discovered she and her three friends had been charged £8 ($10) for live music at a club when she went to pay.

It’s very unusual to pay for music, but when you only want to eat at a restaurant, music can feel like an extra. This is especially true if there is no indication that costs have been added to the bill.

According to the post, “GF and her friends were charged for live music at a restaurant,” as evidenced by a photo of the bill.

The group was rather surprised to learn that the “live music” fee would be £32 ($41), having previously pretended not to know about it.

One person who left a comment in the comments section said: “Yes if you’re going to charge, do it at the door. I would be furious if I saw this on my account.

What if you went to a kitchen instead of live music and there happened to be live music? Yes, that would not please me.

However, another commenter seemed to know the exact location and even provided some context as to why the group was charged.

“This looks like something from a jazz bar and restaurant in London, doesn’t it?” they wrote Their website states: Is there free live music? An optional cover charge of £8 per person applies to those who choose to be seated during the performance, which is added to their tab.

The pre-determined performance fees we agree on in advance with each musician who performs are paid in addition to the fee we receive. I’m not interested in music, but can I come to dinner? The coverage fee is therefore optional.

Customers would only have to request a chargeback if it was a venue, but that would be a very uncomfortable conversation.

In conclusion, a Reddit post about a restaurant’s live music fee sparked a broader conversation about transparency and the importance of clear communication about additional costs in the food service industry. Restaurant owners need to realize that surprise fees can negatively impact the customer experience and lead to dissatisfaction and negative reviews. By adopting a transparent approach and ensuring that any additional charges are disclosed upfront, businesses can build trust and loyalty among their customers.

As guests, it is essential to be aware of possible additional costs and ask about them if necessary. Being proactive in understanding a restaurant’s pricing structure can help create a more enjoyable dining experience. By learning from this incident, both restaurant owners and customers can contribute to more transparent and satisfying dining culture.

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