
Devoted Husband Sacrifices All to Care for Wife in Vegetative State for Years.

In their story, we are reminded of the fragility and preciousness of life and the importance of cherishing every moment with our loved ones. Bruna and David’s mutual love is a beacon of hope in a world that can often be filled with darkness.

People promise to love each other through good times and bad. No one thinks about getting sick on their wedding day, yet some couples are put to the test by life’s hardships. Those around Bruna and her husband David admire that they have persevered in this test for so long.

People around the world were moved by the couple’s story after it went viral. David takes care of his wife, who has long been in a vegetative state. They were both under 30 when tragedy struck. Despite this, David has a positive attitude and makes all sorts of sacrifices for the woman he adores. As a result of his frequent absences, he lost his job, which left him without the resources needed for Bruno’s recovery. He has an Instagram page to raise money for this cause.

It was 2019. Bruna de Sousa and David Cesar were watching TV on a typical day when suddenly Bruna went into convulsions due to cardiac and respiratory arrest. David recalled in an interview that “she lost all vital functions in less than three minutes. We rushed to the hospital and after 25 minutes they managed to revive her, but not before she was without oxygen for a considerable time. time.

According to David, Bruno had a disease that did not impair the functioning of the basic nervous system but impaired her ability to perceive her surroundings. In other words, his wife suffered long-term effects and is currently in a vegetative state.

Since June 2019, David has devoted all his time to caring for Bruna in his home after she spent almost two years in hospital. Due to unemployment, he was unable to fully provide for his girlfriend. And yes, even when he’s home, he still needs medical care, prescription drugs, food, and other supplies.

The fact is that David’s income as a driver was not enough to satisfy his wife’s demands. As a result, he was forced to start fundraising.

Although many kind-hearted people pitied her, Bruna’s expenses continued to rise. We have not yet managed to secure her retirement, David admitted at the time. But we have two volunteer lawyers working for us. We are supported by donations.

Fortunately, there was still hope even though we had been through so many hard times. David received information from neurologists about therapy in Canada. Bruna would have to take the drug for three years while combining it with physical therapy if he could get access to it. The pair had to turn to fundraise again because that alternative would have cost about $20,000.

The young man started a fundraiser and raised $28,000, but Bruna still has considerable monthly expenses and needs significantly more money. With this cash, Bruno’s condition should improve.

More than five years have passed since the decisive moment when Bruno and David’s life changed for the better. The young man published memories of their friendship on his Instagram account. In addition, he diligently updates his followers on the progress of his beloved wife.

People all over the world are motivated by this story. Many individuals are expressing their support for the couple, sending David strength and patience, and hoping for a speedy recovery for Bruno. Such unwavering devotion is sometimes considered true, unadulterated love. One of them said: “I believe in this love; it moved me to tears and inspired me.”

As we send our prayers and support to Bruno and David, let us also remember the many others who face similar challenges. May their story inspire us to show love, compassion, and kindness to those in need, because it is through our collective efforts that we can make a difference in the lives of others.

In the face of life’s trials, may we all find the strength to keep believing, hoping, and loving unconditionally. Let us remember that in sickness and in health, love will always be our greatest source of strength. And may we never forget the story of Bruna and David, a love that knows no bounds and is proof of the strength of the human spirit.

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