
Doctor Shares MRI Scan of 33-Year-Old Woman’s Face Revealing Where All Her Filler Disappeared

Have you ever thought about what really happens to the fillings injected into your skin?

Despite the promise, many people have noticed over time that the effects seem much longer than expected – sometimes indefinitely. In the shocking new viral video of Dr. Kami Parsa, a bioplastic surgeon based in Beverly Hills, an unexpected path full of hyaluronic acid inside the human face impressed viewers.

This shot shows how the injected filler is not only in place; It migrates and grows autonomously, causing some to question how safe these procedures are. With millions of people who have decided every year for dermal fillings,

this revelation could change how we look at this popular cosmetic treatment. What does it mean for those who had fillings – or are they considering them? Let’s dive.

A recent video shared by a medical surgeon has gained significant attention after the introduction of MRI scanning, which revealed how full hyaluronic acids not only increased but also migrated over time.

The shots shocked many viewers, some of whom admitted that they seemed that their own fillers would never dissolve, so they questioned the longevity of their treatment.

According to the US Council of Cosmetic Surgery, dermal fillers of gel substances are injected under the skin to increase facial features, restore lost volume, smooth wrinkles, and soften folds. These procedures are popular, and millions of men and women have decided for them every year.

The most commonly used fillings are made of hyaluronic acid, which is a temporary option, and usually lasts six months to a year and a half.

Oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Kami Parsa became viral after the MRI video was published on his tiktoku, showing how over 12 milliliters of a full scale of hyaluronic acid have changed over six years.

MRI images that gathered more than 7.2 million views revealed the gray image of the face of the patient with green spots illuminating different areas such as faces and lips where the filler remained.

Although Dr. Parsa did not specify the procedures that the patient underwent, explained that after the volume analysis, it was revealed that the patient had a total of 28 CC fillings, which was more than double originally injected.

“This shows us that hyaluronic acid fillers are hydrophilic.” This means that they attract water and cause tissue expansion, ”Dr. Parsa.

The video made many viewers express concerns. One commented, “I just don’t see how it wouldn’t completely destroy the lymphatic system,” while others are afraid of a rapid increase in filler volume.

Dr. Parsa responded to these concerns by explaining that Botox, and other injections, had long safety results in administration.

Some Tiktoku users have shared similar experiences and revealed that their fillings have not dissolved over time, despite the assurance of injectors that it only takes a few months. One user noted: “I had a full chin made ten years ago and I haven’t needed a touch since then.”

Excessive use of botox and dermal fillers has become a growing problem, especially because some celebrities faced the will for their obvious overuse of cosmetic practices. For example, Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes have recently been controlled after the video sent by Meredith West, an assistant doctor, speculated that the couple could have undergone extensive cosmetic work, including botox and fillings.

While some experts agree that the minimum amount of botox and dermal fill is effective for maintaining a youthful appearance, there is also concern about the possible negative effects of excessive filling, which can lead to an unnatural appearance and an “inflated” appearance.

Jonny Betterlidge, an aesthetic physician, commented on the transformation of the face of Ryan Gosling and pointed out how his middle face has become noticeably full in recent years. Betteridge explained that this change is typical of patients who receive too many fillings in their faces, leading to a “crowded” appearance.

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The conversation around fillings and cosmetic procedures continues to grow because more people share their personal experiences and concerns about the long-term effects of these therapies.

The growing conversation around filler and cosmetic procedures emphasizes the need for caution and awareness of their long-term effects. Although this treatment can increase facial features and rejuvenate the appearance, the experience of shared patients and experts suggest that excessive use or poor judgment can lead to unintended results such as migration and accumulation of filler material. Since more individuals share their stories and concerns, it is essential that patients and experts prefer informed decisions, correct technology, and moderation in the use of injections to ensure safe and natural results.

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