Linda was upset because she was going to visit her parents’ graves.
Although these visits gave her a sense of comfort, they were still a reminder that the two people she loved the most were no longer a part of her life.
Once on board, she began to cry. Passengers on the flight noticed that she was in distress, but no one approached her to ask if she was okay.
As the plane took off, she heard the pilot greeting the passengers. Linda heard a familiar voice and began to cry even more. At that moment, those sitting next to her became worried.

The flight attendant approached her asking if she needed anything, but Linda refused any help. But all Linda could say was, “I can’t wait to meet him.”
“What ma’am?” asked the curious attendant again.
“Can you please not bother me?” Linda was getting angry. “Please leave me alone….”
Linda cried for the rest of the flight.
When the plane landed, everyone was eager to get off the plane, but not Linda. She refused to leave her seat and asked to see the pilot.
The flight attendant saw that the woman was still seated and walked over to her.
“Ma’am, we have arrived…Do you need help with your bag?”
“No, I’m not going down! | I HAVE TO SEE THE PILOT! I’m not moving from here until I see him!”
“Ma’am, what’s wrong? You can’t stay on the plane long after landing.”
Please, you will have to get off now…”
“I said I want to meet the pilot. It’s urgent. Please try to understand,” Linda begged.
“Okay, I’ll tell him. Please wait here.”
The pilot was told about this woman who was eager to see him, so he met her cool. However, the moment he saw her, his smile disappeared from his face.
“YOU?! I have nothing to tell you,” he said as he tried to exit the plane.
“They would be proud of you, as I was when I heard your voice when this flight took off,” said Linda. “Alex, wait, please don’t go…! I’m sorry! Please forgive me!”

Alex was a bit confused and asked Linda how she could recognize his voice after so many years.
“I would recognize your voice even in a crowd of millions. I love you so much, Alex.”
“I’ve been waiting to hear this from you for years,” Alex said. “All you had to do was say those words to set it straight. Why did it take you so long to say SORRY?”
Linda and Alex were brother and sister.
However, things turned sour between them after the death of their parents.
Alex always dreamed of becoming a pilot, but his father never supported his dream. He believed that Alex would not be a good pilot and said that he was not willing to pay for his education because it was not worth it.
When the parents died in a car accident, they left everything to Linda and Alex, but Alex could not receive his share of the inheritance until he turned 18. He begged Linda to let him fulfill his wish to become a pilot, but she refused. give him the money saying they should buy a house and a car instead. She also wanted to respect her father’s wishes and he never wanted Alex to become a pilot.

“I don’t even want to see you. Take all the money. I’ll achieve my dream alone. Goodbye!” Alex told Linda and left the house and moved in with his grandparents.
He cut all ties with his sister and did not see her for years.
“Alex, please give me one chance.
Please, I’m here to visit my dad’s and mom’s graves. please come with me They will be watching us from heaven and they will be proud of you…
Despite Linda’s pleading and pleading, Alex remained unmoved. He walked away from her and left the plane without looking back. Feeling hurt and disappointed, Linda got off the plane hoping to reconcile with Alex, but he did not show up. With a heavy heart, she hailed a taxi and headed to her parents’ graves to commemorate the 20th anniversary of their deaths.
“Oh my god, I can’t believe it!” she said, slowing down as tears welled up in her eyes.
“Alex?” she said as she saw him standing next to their parents’ graves.

“I forgive you, Linda. Let’s not talk about what happened years ago. I’m over it and I want you to forget it too, okay?!”
Linda’s eyes filled with tears of joy as she hugged Alex tightly. Together they laid wreaths on their parents’ graves and stood in silence for a moment in solemn remembrance.
Linda’s emotional journey from the plane to her parents’ graves highlights the profound impact of unresolved family conflicts and the healing power of reconciliation. After years of estrangement, her heartfelt plea to see her estranged brother Alex on the plane turns into a pivotal moment of forgiveness and understanding.
The meeting revealed the depth of their unresolved pain and the enduring family bond, despite past grievances. Alex’s forgiveness and the shared memory of their parents’ graves marked a significant step toward mending their fractured relationship.

In the end, their reunion underscores the importance of resolving and coming to terms with past hurts and reminds us that even after years of separation, love, and family ties can heal old wounds and bring people back together. Their story is a testament to the power of forgiveness and the enduring strength of family bonds.