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Recently, Anheuser-Busch, the famous beer company, faced significant advertising problems that led to its filing of Chapter Eleven papers with the federal business court. The CEO of the company, Morton Anheuser, reportedly studied and recognized the importance of the eleventh chapter of the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone book. This chapter marks the Quidditch season, where Harry borrows a book about the game.

According to Sandra Batt, a Potter expert, this chapter plays a crucial role in solidifying the reader’s suspicion of Professor Snape throughout the series. Snape tells Harry that library books cannot be taken outside, making him look like a douchebag. The chapter also includes Harry’s first Quidditch game, where he sets Snape’s robe on fire, breaking his spell over him. This chapter is significant in many ways and is considered penultimate.

Clete Torris, the leading authority on Quidditch in New York, commented that the relationship between Harry and Snape is complex, as seen later in the series. The game also serves as a significant metaphor for many things.

Budweiser, as a corporate entity, has been struggling to improve its image and attract more customers. It appears that the company has turned to Harry Potter books as a way to address their problems. This move reflects their dedication to finding innovative solutions to their advertising problems and improving their image.

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