
Girl Claims She Sees Her Deceased Mother at School Daily, Leaving Dad Stunned by the Revelation

After his wife was killed in a car accident, Michael, a single father, was left to raise his eight-year-old daughter.

He believed he was doing well and his daughter was coping with the loss of her mother. However, one day she came to him and told him that she sees her mother every day at school.

Every day Michael mourned the death of his wife Simone. She died in a car accident a few months ago, but because she fell into the river, her body was never found.

Michael was left alone with Hannah, his 8-year-old daughter. Michael moved to a new town to get away from the upsetting memories that surrounded their old town, determined to stay strong for her. He was aware that Hannah had already lost her mother and he couldn’t let her lose him too.

Hannah looked content as she gradually got used to her new school. In contrast, Michael had to acquire the skills needed to be a mother and a father.

He got up early every morning to make breakfast and pack Hannah’s lunch, learned how to do her hair, and even picked up some ballet techniques to play with her at home.

Simone took Hannah to ballet because she thought Hannah would make a fantastic ballerina in the future. That dream lasted because of Michael and kept a piece of Simone in her.

Michael decided to pick Hannah up from school today because he finished work early, which was unusual. After all, all, Hannah usually took the bus. He was seething with excitement as he waited in the car outside the school.

Hannah quickly left the school and ran away.

When Michael brushed to get her attention, she waved cheerfully and ran to the car. She hopped in with her backpack slung over the back seat.

“Hi, Dad!” Hannah smiled widely and said as she got into the car.

“Hello, love.” “How was your day at school today?” Michael asked as he got into the car.

“It worked well. I got all these compliments on my maths. Hannah happily replied, “All the work we did yesterday really helped.

Hannah’s smile disappeared. She whined, “But mommy keeps ignoring me.”

A beat skipped by Michael’s heart. He applied more force to the brakes than intended. “Hannah, what do you mean?” He asked with concern in his voice, “Are you talking to her?”

“Every day,” Hannah replied. “But she pretends not to know me.

With a sigh and a heavy burden on his chest, Michael sat back behind the wheel.

Hannah, your mother has moved to a better place.

He is far away and cannot answer you.

But he listens to everything you say and adores you very much.’

Hannah had a confused expression. “What are you trying to say? It’s not very far. She’s at school. I see her every day,” she argued.

Michael looked at her confused. “What? What you’re talking about is beyond me.”

Hannah grunted in frustration. What don’t you understand Dad? When I get to our school in the morning, my mom is cleaning it. She claims she doesn’t know me when I talk to her. I believe they are angry with me because I want to give up ballet,” she noted.

“Do you want to quit ballet?” Michael asked fearfully.

Really. It doesn’t appeal to me anymore. “My mom used to encourage me to dance, but she hardly talks to me these days,” Hannah noted.

Michael firmly replied, “Hannah, you’re not done with ballet yet.

“I will!” Hannah retorted, raising her voice.

“No!” Michael’s scream was louder than he intended. Hannah’s eyes widened in fright.

He took a deep breath and lowered his voice. “Sorry, but you’re not giving up ballet. We’re not talking about this.”

Hannah started to say, “But…”

Michael cut her off. “We can’t talk about this. Now we should go to school and you show me your mother.”

She is no longer present. Hannah replied, “He only comes in the morning.

“I’ll walk you to school today so you can explain things to me,” Michael stated, desperately trying to make sense of the situation.

“Okay, you’ll see I’m being honest. You don’t trust me anymore,” Hannah said.

Michael sighed, his heart aching for his child.

Michael was unable to find peace for the rest of the day. His mind kept buzzing with images of Hannah having visions of Simone. He assumed Hannah was handling her mother’s death well.

She had been calm and optimistic since their move to a new city. But apparently he was wrong.

The next day, Michael walked Hannah to school and led her inside. Hannah insisted all morning that she was telling the truth and that she would soon be able to verify it.

“Where is he?” Eyes darting down the school corridors, Michael asked as they passed.

“I’m not sure. “We have to find her,” Hannah snapped, scanning the area warily.

They continued to visit offices and schools. Hannah suddenly yelled, “Over here! Mom!” She pointed to the housekeeper who was facing away from them. Michael stopped, his heart pounding.

The woman looked like Simone from behind. Hannah ran up to her and tugged gently on her sleeve. Michael cautiously moved towards her, his thoughts racing.

It wasn’t Simone, Michael realized as the woman turned. From a distance the figure was striking, but up close it was obviously no stranger to it.

Hannah said, “Oh, you’re not my mom.” Her shoulders slumped as she took a step back.

“Unfortunately not, my love,” the woman smiled softly at Hannah.

Michael took Hannah’s hand and led her away after expressing his regrets to the woman.

“This isn’t your mother Hannah. Your mother is in a better place now and she watches over you all the time, I know it’s hard to lose her,” he commented quietly.

“I know it’s not mom! “I’m not blind,” Hannah muttered, tears welling up in her eyes. “However, she was present. I saw her, I promise.”

“You don’t believe me!” Hannah screamed down the hall as she screamed. “Mom always believed in me!” She turned and ran away from Michael’s grasp. “Hannah!” he shouted after her, but she insisted on running and disappeared down the hall.

With a heavy heart, Michael returned to his car. He was aware of Hannah and Simone’s unique relationship. Although he knew he would never be able to fully replace her mother, he was determined to give his daughter everything.

That same day, after school, Michael called in sick to work and arranged for Hannah to see a psychologist. “We’ll go see a lady you can talk to about anything,” he said as he picked her up.

She is willing to help.

Still angry with Michael, Hannah frowned and crossed her arms. She said, “I don’t want to talk to anyone.”

Michael added, “I know you’re upset, but this might help,” as they headed to the psychologist’s office in the car.

The psychologist warmly welcomed them upon arrival. “Hello, Hannah. My name is Stevens, Doctor. Would you be interested in accompanying me?” She smiled kindly at the question.

After a quick glance at Michael, Hannah reluctantly followed Dr. Stevens.

Dr. Stevens showed up an hour later to talk to Michael. She had a sullen, brooding expression.

“How did it go?” Michael asked with anxiety in his voice.

Dr. Stevens smiled reassuringly. “I don’t see any signs of psychiatric problems. In my opinion, she’s not lying. Hannah honestly thinks she’s going to run into her mother at school.”

Michael frowned. “But that’s not possible.

Her mother died.”

Dr. Stevens nodded and said, “I see.

However, each person grieves differently.

It is possible that Hannah is not ready to break up with her mother. Maybe he recognizes her in other people.”

“What should I do?” Michael felt lost.

“Help her. Trust her,” advised Dr. Stevens. She is not cheating on you. For now, this is her reality.

Michael nodded and took a deep breath.

“Okay, thank you.

After picking up Hannah, they went home. He could see that she seemed a little calmer and less aggressive when he headed there. He hoped it was a positive step.

Michael drove Hannah back to school the next day. Her teacher came to his car when they got there. The teacher continued, “I’d like to show you some of Hannah’s drawings.”

Curious, Michael got out of the car. He said, “Sure, we’ll take a look at them,” and followed the instructor.

He got a bunch of sketches from his teacher. Surprised, Michael turned around them. “These are incredible. “I had no idea Hannah could draw so well,” he exclaimed, his pride growing.

The teacher said, “He has real talent.”

After expressing his gratitude to the teacher, Michael entered the corridor and kept examining the sketches. He was almost blind to what was in front of him because he was so engrossed.

He looked up and felt his heart almost stop. Simone was standing there.

Michael’s heart was pounding and he felt motionless, as if he had forgotten how to breathe.

Hannah suddenly ran out of her classroom, her face lighting up with excitement at the sight of the woman.

“Mom!” With a scream, Hannah ran towards the woman who bore a striking resemblance to her late mother. She turned and gave Michael a triumphant smile. “I told you I was telling the truth.

Michael stood motionless, his thoughts racing. “Uh-huh,” was all he could mumble.

Hannah hesitantly returned to class when the teacher called her back.

Michael walked cautiously towards the woman, still in awe. With a tremor in his voice he said, “Simon?”

The woman gave him a confused look.

She said, “Excuse me?”

“Simon, is it really you?” Michael asked once more, his heart pounding.

“I’m sorry sir. My name is Evelyn,” the woman said firmly.

Evelyn apologized for not hearing you, her expression remaining confused.

how is that possible, why did you come here?” Michael asked.

I really don’t know what you are talking about sir. I’ve never seen you before in my life. You must have thought I was someone else. Evelyn turned to leave, “I have to get back to work.”

“You have a tattoo on your shoulder!” Michael cried desperately. Evelyn stopped motionless. “And the chrysanthemum,” he continued.

With a gentle movement of her head, Evelyn showed the surprise in her wide eyes. “How do you know that?”

“You got it when Hannah was born. Hannah, the flower on your shoulder is called Chrysanthemum. You joked that the flower would always be with you, even if Hannah grew up and forgot about you,” Michael said.

“Be careful, it’s quite strange and it scares me,” she mumbled, her gaze wandering erratically.

“I was too scared to get a tattoo, but I wanted it too. Michael commented, “You’ve always been braver than me.”

“How do you know I have a tattoo? Did you pay attention to me? First the strange girl called me her mother and now you.” Evelyn said, her voice rising in panic, “I’m going crazy.”

“Please let me go through everything. Will you go for coffee with me?” Michael asked with pleading eyes.

Evelyn said, “I have to finish my work,” keeping a cautious expression.

Michael said, “I’ll wait for you outside,” he hoped she would accept.

Michael got out and put his head on the car. Was it real? He couldn’t believe it. Simone finally came out of the school and cautiously approached him.

“Ready to go?” Michael asked quietly.

Simone nodded, they got into the car and headed to the nearest coffee shop. They placed an order for coffee. dark. Michael grinned as he remembered how Simone hated coffee that had cream or sugar in it.

When their order came, Michael took a deep breath. “I have to tell you something.

Hannah is our daughter and we are married.”

Simone listened intently, but with a confused expression. She muttered, “I don’t remember any of that.” “Fishermen discovered me on the river bank. They let me live with them, but I couldn’t remember my identity or anything else from my past. I’m not sure why, but Evelyn was my choice.”

Michael’s gaze was softer. He elaborated: “We wanted to name our next daughter Evelyn.”

Simone’s eyes widened. “Really?”

Michael nodded. Really. I wish you would come home with me and Hannah. You don’t have to decide right away, but consider it.” Simone looked down and examined the coffee.

Okay, I’ll accompany you. But I still don’t remember anything.”

Michael gave a gentle smile. That’s okay. We are able to solve this collectively.” Simone spent a week with Michael and Hannah.

Hannah was ecstatic and kept telling Michael that he was right.

Simone was also trying to get used to her new life. She still couldn’t remember anything from the past, but she tried her best to blend in.

Michael figured they should sleep in separate rooms for now. He wanted Simone to be comfortable and unencumbered.

Simone finished her coffee at the table this morning after breakfast while Michael cleaned up the dishes. Hannah walked over to Simone with a grim expression.

“Mom, are you going to be mad at me when I’m done with ballet?” Hannah asks.

She turned to look at Michael, who had stopped washing the dishes to listen, and said, “Why would I be mad at you?”

“You were excited to see me play. You wanted me to be a ballerina,” Hannah said.

Simone smiled softly. She said, “And what do you want to do?”

Hannah smiled widely. “I want to draw!”

Then you should draw, Simone advised. She looked at Michael. “Do you think we could enroll her in art school?”

Michael smiled kindly at me. “I sure do,” he replied.

“Yeah!” Hannah shouted. Hugging Simone tightly, she went to hug Michael and hurried back to her room.

Watching him leave, Simone cautiously approached Michael, carrying her cup of coffee. “I’m going to wash it,” she said.

Michael pulled the cup from her grasp. “It’s okay, I’ll clean it up,” he smiled.

Simone smiled and stood where she was.

She just stood there and watched him.

“Is everything alright?” Noticing her reluctance, Michael asked.

“Yes,” Simone replied quietly. “I think I remembered something.

Michael looked at her. “What did you remember?”

As we stood by the sea, a dog approached us. According to Simon, we were standing under the arch when he first knocked me over.

Michael laughed. It was actually our wedding. My childhood pet, Toby, was a dog. He was very excited about you and couldn’t stop himself. You said our wedding story was your favorite.”

Simone smiled. “I think it will still be my favorite story when I remember everything,” she declared.

Simone smiled at Michael and he gave her a tentative hug. Michael, careful not to splash her with soap and water, hugged her in return. Hope and warmth washed over him.

Just a few weeks ago, he didn’t expect to feel this happy again. When he hugged her, he was surprised at how much he missed the intimacy.

Please share this story with your friends and let us know what you think. It could lift them up and make their day.

Amidst grief and uncertainty, Michael’s journey as a single father takes a remarkable turn when he stumbles upon an opportunity to regain the love he thought he had lost forever. The emotional bond between him and his daughter Hannah serves as a powerful reminder of resilience in the face of tragedy.

As they work through their grief together, Michael learns the importance of trusting Hannah’s experiences, even when they seem fantastical. This journey not only leads him to a surprising reunion with Simone, but also leads him to understand the depths of love and connection that transcend loss.

Simone’s gradual return to their lives symbolizes a new beginning, filled with hope and healing potential she begins to recall bits and pieces of their past together, it becomes clear that love can endure even the most unimaginable circumstances. The family dynamic changes as they embrace a future that acknowledges their collective pain while celebrating new dreams and aspirations, such as Hannah’s passion for drawing.

Through patience and understanding, Michael fosters an environment where both Simone and Hannah can express their individuality and creativity. The story culminates in a poignant realization: loss can leave a lasting impact, but it can also pave the way for renewal. Michael’s heart swells with gratitude as he witnesses Hannah’s joy and Simone’s cautious steps back into their lives.

Their journey reminds us that love in all its forms is strong enough to heal even the deepest wounds and that every ending can lead to a beautiful new beginning.

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