Renowned “Good Morning America” anchor Robin Roberts, 62, has officially wed her longtime partner, Amber Laign. Their love story traces back 18 years when mutual friends played matchmakers. Surprisingly, their initial attempts at setting up dates ended in cancellations for a whole year before fate finally brought them together. Reluctantly, they agreed to a group outing with friends, and Robin playfully promised to signal her interest in the date by discreetly kicking their mutual friend under the table.
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Robin fondly recalled that she didn’t waste any time before kicking the mutual friend just minutes into the date. Reflecting on that first encounter, Laign shared, “I can still vividly remember walking up to her; she looked breathtaking and continues to do so.” After hitting it off, the two lovebirds began dating in secret, away from the public eye. It wasn’t until eight years later, in December 2013, that they chose to reveal their relationship. During a moment of gratitude, as she acknowledged the support she received during a health scare, Roberts publicly expressed her thanks to Laign, saying, “…I’m thankful for my long-time partner, Amber…”
This public acknowledgment marked a significant moment for Robin Roberts, as it was the first time she openly shared her sexuality and her relationship with Amber. The revelation came after Roberts triumphed over a battle with cancer. Nearly two years after their first date, Robin was diagnosed with breast cancer, and Amber remained her steadfast companion throughout her journey to recovery. Tragically, Robin also faced the loss of her mother and was later diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome, but Amber continued to stand by her side.
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In 2022, when Amber received her own breast cancer diagnosis, Robin assumed the role of her dedicated caregiver, providing unwavering support throughout her chemotherapy and surgery. Thankfully, both partners have triumphed over their health obstacles and are now in significantly improved health. Looking back on the challenges they encountered as a couple, Robin openly acknowledged that they encountered their fair share of difficult moments, but these trials ultimately strengthened their bond. She reflected, “We had the option to part ways at any juncture, but we made the conscious choice to stand by each other.”
On September 8, “Good Morning America” host Robin Roberts and Amber Laign exchanged vows in an intimate backyard ceremony, marking a momentous occasion in their love story. The wedding was officiated by Robin’s childhood pastor.
Both brides radiated elegance in custom-made gowns crafted by renowned fashion designers James Mischka and Mark Badgley. A fan who saw photos of Robin and Amber in their exquisite wedding attire enthused, “The dresses were absolutely beautiful, exuding such timeless class! Congratulations.”
Following the touching ceremony, the newlyweds and their guests came together for a garden-themed reception that radiated elegance. As Robin and Amber made their entrance, a talented violinist set the mood with a beautiful rendition of “Can You Feel The Love Tonight.” The festivities continued with friends and family relishing in shared meals, engaging in heartfelt conversations around round tables, sipping on carefully crafted cocktails, indulging in the exquisite Vincenzo Salvatore Cakes wedding cake, and dancing the night away. Gio Benitez, a fellow “Good Morning America” colleague, eloquently encapsulated the magical wedding, saying, “It was a celebration of profound beauty, both inside and out – undeniably the most exquisite wedding.”