Sparks Family Curiosity” When Ruby’s daughter Cindy started mentioning a mysterious “friend” who seemed to always be near her grandmother, Ruby figured he was just one of the older woman’s companions.
But what she learned next shook her to the core. Cindy’s “boyfriend” wasn’t someone Ruby had ever heard of – the name William was known for a much darker reason.
William was the name of Ruby’s late father, a man who had died some time ago.
Was it possible that her mother, still grieving her loss, had something much more inside of her than memories? Or was something even more disturbing at play in her mother’s house? What started as a simple investigation into Cindy’s behavior soon revealed a chilling revelation, leaving Ruby with more questions than answers. Ruby’s daughter, Cindy, always mentioned that her grandmother, Ruby’s mother, always had a “friend” around. Assuming this friend was someone she knew, Ruby didn’t think much of it – until Cindy revealed that the friend’s name was William, the exact same name as Ruby’s father.
This revelation sent a chill down Ruby’s spine. Ruby has always been very close to her family. An only child, she grew up with parents who were a constant presence in her life, from attending every event during her school years to attending college. Even after Cindy married and had a child of her own, her parents continued to be a big part of her life. However, everything changed after the death of her father. Before his death, Ruby’s mother was full of life, a creative and free-spirited individual who painted and had a bohemian personality.
But after her husband’s death, Ruby noticed a drastic change in her mother. She quieted down and preferred to spend time alone, especially with Cindy, which was fine at first. Ruby would often drop Cindy off at her mom’s or have her pick Cindy up for a trip. Recently, however, Ruby began to notice strange behavior—whenever her mom dropped Cindy off, her daughter would cry and avoid her grandmother, much to Ruby’s dismay. Ruby decided to talk to Cindy to get to the bottom of it.
Their bonding time was usually spent baking together, so this was the perfect time for Ruby to ask Cindy about her feelings. During their baking, Ruby asked Cindy why she cried when she was with Grandma. Cindy replied that it was because of “her grandmother’s friend” William, who was always around but Cindy never saw him. Ruby was amazed, especially when Cindy explained that her grandmother would always offer food to William before eating, even if no one was there. The name William Ruby gave her chills as it was the same name as her late father.
Trying to mask her uneasiness, Ruby assured Cindy that there was nothing to worry about, but she was deeply worried. The next day, Ruby went to her mother’s house and decided to do her best
. When she asked her mother about Cindy’s remarks, her mother responded with feelings of guilt and sadness. Ruby’s mother explained that she still felt the presence of her late husband, Ruby’s father, and spoke to him to cope with his death. Her mother admitted that Cindy mentioned “William” not with the intention of scaring her, but simply as a way to reassure herself.
Feeling broken by her mother’s pain, Ruby suggested that perhaps her mother should consider seeing a therapist to help her work through her grief.
Ruby’s mother agreed, realizing that her way of coping might be upsetting for Cindy and that she would have to explain everything to her granddaughter. Months later, Ruby’s mother started therapy and it seemed to help her.
She even started painting again, which she stopped doing after her husband’s death. Ruby notices that Cindy is more comfortable with her grandmother and seems to have stopped caring about her imaginary “friend” William.
Ruby’s mother also learned to keep conversations with her late husband private and no longer mentioned him to Cindy. Together, they all seemed to be on the mend, and Ruby was relieved to see her mother finding new ways to cope with her loss. Healing sometimes takes time, but with understanding and support, even the hardest losses can be overcome. In the end, Ruby’s family found their way through the complexities of grief and healing.
By acknowledging her mother’s pain and guiding her to seek therapy, Ruby helped her mother regain a sense of balance, allowing her and Cindy to rebuild their bond. Over time, they found a healthier way to cope and Mother Ruby began to embrace life again and reconnect with her creative passions. Their story serves as a reminder that despite loss, love, understanding, and open communication can help mend broken hearts and lead to healing for an entire family.