
How to Create Tasty Crispy Fries Without Using Any Oil

Let’s explore a simple yet delicious oil-free version of this beloved dish.

Good, crispy fries are a favorite food of many people. Undoubtedly, it continues to be everyone’s favorite food. These potato sticks are the basis of our menu, whether we eat them alone or as a side dish with meat.

The only downside: they require a lot of oil to make. What if we told you that you can prepare them without adding oil for frying? No more unhealthy excess fat and greasy fries. How can this food be prepared in a healthier way? We will show you how to prepare delicious fries without using oil.

An oil-free version of the French fries recipe


  • 5 potatoes
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika

How to proceed during preparation

– Whip the egg whites and add the spices mentioned above (and any other spices you like). In particular, you can incorporate fried spices or rosemary, which are easily available in any supermarket.

Then transfer the sliced ​​potatoes to a salad bowl and top with the beaten egg whites. Use your hands to mix everything thoroughly.

– Remove the pan from the oven and cover it with baking paper or baking paper.

– Top with your potato chip sticks.

To keep them from sticking together, spread them apart as a little trick.

– Return the tray to the oven preheated to 220°C. After ten minutes, inspect the food. Be sure to flip them over to ensure they cook on both sides.

Your fries are ready after another 10 to 12 minutes.

Essentially, this recipe for oil-free fries not only preserves the joy of a classic favorite, but also presents a healthier way to enjoy this timeless delicacy. So embrace the simplicity, enjoy the flavors and indulge guilt-free with these delicious homemade fries.

Note: An alternative version involves cooking them briefly before putting them in the oven. Then repeat the above procedure with egg whites and spices. And just like that, you have the perfect way to make fluffy, golden brown fries without draining the cooking oil!

In conclusion, these oil-free fries offer a healthier alternative to the traditional deep-frying method. By using egg whites and a spicy mix of spices, you can achieve crispy and delicious fries without excess oil. This recipe provides a guilt-free way to enjoy a classic favorite while maintaining a balanced approach to your diet. Try and enjoy the taste of golden brown fries without added fat.

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