
I Discovered My Husband’s Hidden Affair Through His Fitness App

The days of having to follow their significant other in disguise while acting shady are long gone.

These days you can use your phone to directly witness a liar in action. And no, we don’t mean using Instagram or other social media to stalk your partner. Today’s 37-year-old heroine showed that when it comes to uncovering the truth, even fitness apps can be useful. In a letter to our editor, a woman described how she found out her now ex-husband was having an extramarital affair using a fitness app on social media.

The woman was pleased by the fact that her husband began to go jogging.

A 37-year-old lady named Vivienne sent a letter to our editors detailing her almost detective story that eventually resulted in her divorcing her beloved husband.

“My husband Mike and I have been happily married for over 15 years,” Vivienne said as she began writing her letter. I’ve always played sports, and because I do so much exercise every day, I can honestly say that the gym is my second home.

Mike, on the other hand, has always enjoyed a very slow lifestyle that involves binge eating and little exercise. I tried to help him lead a better lifestyle and participate in sports to at least make up for Mike’s lifelong terrible eating habits. I gave up trying to get him to change his lifestyle because it was fruitless and he seemed content with it.

This continued until the day Mike started gaining weight. “Mike’s genetic makeup has always kept him in relatively good shape,” Vivienne wrote. He didn’t gain weight even after a long meal before bed. But as he grew, things changed. Mike is forty years old and his physical appearance has finally suffered from his lifestyle. He began to gain weight rapidly. At the time, Mike was advised by our doctor to exercise – especially running.

“I was happy to see that Mike had finally started running and he even seemed to be enjoying it gradually,” said Vivienne. However, it all turns out to be nothing more than a nice front to hide his utterly repulsive nature later on.

Vivienne finds Mike’s enthusiasm for running strange.

Vivienne continues her story by saying, “Mike has recently developed an unhealthy obsession with running. I’ve invited him to go jogging with him a few times. But he’s always made up explanations like he’s running too far.” for me or that I wouldn’t keep up with him. 

“Things were getting really suspicious,” the woman clarified. When Mike suddenly said he was taking a “break” from our relationship when he woke up one morning, I was really worried. He said only that he wanted to rest, and that was all; he didn’t give me any explanation. Finally, at this point, I dug a little deeper and found that something more significant was going on.

After the woman decided to look around, she found herself drawn to Mike’s fitness app.

“Mike and I both have a fitness social media app installed on our phones,” Vivienne continued. Through this software, users can track each other and even exchange workouts. If someone posts a photo of themselves running, swimming, or hiking on this app, it will be shared with all their friends.

Of course, Vivienne’s husband followed her on the app. However, there was one detail that Mike overlooked. The goal of the app was to share data, including a map of the user’s fitness route, with all followers if the user’s account was set to public.

The woman said, “I was shocked by what I discovered when using the maps in this app.” Mike started his run at a different house and I saw that his route stayed the same. Our residence was half a mile from the house where Mike’s route ended.

Vivienne discovered the cause of her husband’s intense love of running.

“This didn’t tell me the whole story right away,” Vivienne clarified. However, my research certainly gave me great comfort as to the cause of my lazy husband’s rapid rise to prominence. After doing some more research I was able to determine who he was having an affair with and what he was doing during his absence. I arrived at the woman’s house with the address in hand and acted like I knew everything. And she told me the whole story.

It is revealed that Mike’s high school girlfriend from his previous relationship was his past lover. Mike and Vivienne broke up just before they started dating, but Mike didn’t stop communicating with his former partner. On the contrary, he saw her often and even celebrated each of her birthdays with gifts. The high school sweetheart revealed to Vivienne that she and her husband have been romantically involved for more than half a year.

Plus, Mike started running exactly six months ago. For Vivienne, the problem was solved.

The woman said: “As soon as I realized the truth, I confronted Mike.” Even then he lied and was always looking for an explanation. But I no longer trusted him and was disgusted with him even when I looked at him. I am now a single, happy, and divorced lady. And now I know that fitness apps are useful for more than just tracking miles; they can also show you the real faces of some people.

Vivienne’s experience underscores how technology can sometimes reveal truths that seem almost impossible to discover otherwise. In her case, a seemingly innocuous fitness app became a vital tool in uncovering her husband’s infidelity. As she pieced together evidence from Mike’s running routes, Vivienne was able to uncover his secret life and confirm her suspicions about his affair with an old flame.

The revelation not only led to the end of a long marriage but also allowed Vivienne to regain her happiness and independence. Her story serves as a reminder that while technology can be a double-edged sword, it can also provide clarity in situations shrouded in delusion. Fitness apps, often used for health and social purposes, prove to be an unlikely ally in Vivienne’s search for the truth, illustrating that the tools we use every day can sometimes reveal much more than we expect.

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