Addressing a partner’s desire to cheat as an exit strategy from a relationship is a complex and sensitive issue that requires careful consideration. It’s understandable that individuals have concerns or doubts about their relationships, but actively wanting infidelity as a solution suggests deeper underlying issues that need to be explored. By offering guidance to our reader, we aim to help her understand the root causes of her feelings and provide constructive steps to address them. By encouraging open communication with her partner, prioritizing self-care, and seeking support from trusted friends or family members, she can navigate these challenging emotions and make decisions that are ultimately in her best interest.
Most couples are afraid that their significant other might cheat. However, our reader wishes the exact opposite. She imagined her partner cheating on her to get out of the relationship.
We help her understand the hidden agenda behind her desire to be deceived in this piece.
We were contacted by one of our readers.

We appreciate you telling us your story! We have created some guidelines that you may find useful.
Identify the problem.

You claim that your relationship is wonderful, but there is still something that annoys and disturbs you. You may be used to suppressing your feelings, so you may not want to acknowledge it or even think about it.
The occasional argument or constructive criticism is acceptable in a relationship as long as it is handled well.
Tell your lover about all the worries you have because he is not able to read your mind. You might not want your partner to cheat on you anymore after talking to them about a few things.
Running away is not always the wisest thing, especially in partnerships where work and patience are usually required.
Think about ending the relationship with him.

It is not necessary to have a valid reason for ending the relationship with your lover. It is acceptable if you believe that you can no longer be compatible with him because life changes, people change and attitudes change.
If everything is fine in your relationship, you might feel like you can’t break up with him and that’s why you might want him to cheat on you. If something doesn’t seem right to you, there’s no need to wait for an explanation. Even a happy partnership may not always remain.
Take care.

Your thoughts about infidelity seem to be taking up too much of your time. The cause of such intrusive thoughts can be stress or anxiety. Consider the positive parts of your relationship rather than focusing on the negative ones. Think back to the reasons why you started dating in the first place and why you adore your partner.
In addition, focus on increasing your sense of worth and self-esteem. Engage in an activity that makes your days happier; for example, exercise is a great way to improve your mood.
It won’t help to sit at home and overthink and dramatize things.
Talk to your loved ones.

Tell a friend or family member how you feel, especially if they already know your lover. They are able to examine your problem from an alternative point of view and externally assess your partnership.
For example, people who are gaslighted are often not even aware that they are being gaslighted. The people who can give them a clearer view of the problem are their friends and relatives. While this may not apply to you, you can still seek guidance from those you can trust.
Relationships and friendships don’t always go smoothly.
Friendships often end when we enter into a romantic relationship. How this actually happens, we explain in this article. Our reader’s best friend left her in the hospital after her partner proposed.
It’s not uncommon for individuals to have fears or concerns about their relationships, but wanting your partner to cheat as a way out is a complex issue that requires careful consideration. In dealing with this situation, it is important to first identify the underlying reasons for these feelings and communicate openly with your partner about any concerns or dissatisfaction. Ending the relationship is also a valid option if you feel it is no longer fulfilling or compatible with your life. However, it is essential to prioritize self-care and seek support from trusted friends or family members to manage these challenging emotions. Ultimately, maintaining a healthy sense of self-worth and finding fulfillment outside of a relationship can contribute to a more positive outlook on love and life.