
Infant’s Tragic Death: Mother’s Fatal Error Claims 13-Month-Old Baby’s Life

The YCSO Criminal Investigation Bureau continues to investigate the circumstances of Cyra’s death, no charges have been filed at this time. The family, along with their community, are dealing with immense grief and seek solace in mutual support.

According to her parents Jafria and Michael Thoeming, Cyra Rose Thoeming was born just 13 months ago.

Less than two months after celebrating the toddler’s first birthday, the couple must now go through the agony of losing the beloved child they called their “light”.

On July 6, Cyra was placed in a car seat and strapped in. Later that day, her mother’s car accidentally hit her while she was lying there, and Cyra later died in hospital.

After Arizona resident Cyra Thoeming suddenly passed out in front of their home in Cottonwood, Arizona, about 100 miles north of Phoenix, her family is now preparing for the child’s funeral. They just celebrated Cyra’s first birthday.

The mother, Jafria Thoeming, was trying to get her car out of the way when she left Cyra still strapped in, according to police, “in the gravel area next to the residence.” Then a tragic event happened.

“The car was parked next to a house in a dirt lot. The Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office (YCSO) added in a release, “The mother placed the child in a car seat in what she believed to be a safe place while exiting the vehicle.” narrow spot.

A child suffered serious injuries as a result of a car seat falling backward after being caught by the vehicle’s front tire while being moved.

Cyra was pronounced dead at Verde Valley Medical Center after all attempts to save her life were unsuccessful. Jafria described her daughter as a happy girl who likes to smile. He claims that the word “Cyra” is a universal phrase for light.

“The light of my existence was Cyra Rose…She is incredibly loved and has been a part of my life for a very long time. With her I finally felt complete,” Jafria wrote on a GoFundMe page set up to help. with funeral expenses.

The GoFundMe exceeded its funding goal by more than $18,000, so the organizer banned it. On May 25, 2022, Jafria shared a message on Facebook introducing young Cyra to her family and friends.

Shown are the words “Cyra Rose Thoeming” and a framed image of a pregnancy test with an image of a small child resting on its back. 16-22 May is Earth. Jafria replies, “Thank you for your kind words! I’m so in love.

While Cyra’s father, Michael, is listed in internet records as a server at a neighborhood restaurant, Jafria, a former real estate agent, lists her last job as a bank teller on her Facebook page.

“I will always be your father, which is the greatest title I’ve ever had in this life,” Michael said on Facebook on July 8…My every waking day is dedicated to becoming the man you made me to be. I appreciate you, Cyro Rose.

The couple received kind words of encouragement and financial help from family and friends.

On Michael’s Facebook, a friend writes: “There are no words… to give you all the love in the world during this truly painful time,” while Cyra’s aunt replies: “My niece! You and Jafria didn’t deserve this! I’m so sorry, so I love you. I am asking God to protect my brother and his wife, and if you cannot protect them, please take Cyra into your arms.

In her portrayal of her daughter’s vibrant personality, Jafria portrays Cyra as a social toddler who was already walking, talking, singing, and dancing.

“She waved at everyone to make sure they noticed her smile and how she brightened their day. She was beautiful, cheerful, and incredibly intelligent. She never ceased to amaze me with her intelligence.”

She was extremely nice and had lots of friends, says Jafria. She had the most generous, kind heart. It was wonderful to look at her every day with my father and I was so happy that I would have the rest of my life to look into her big blue eyes.

I was so eager to introduce her to the world. We provided her with such a rich existence in the short time she had, and I am grateful for that. Losing a part of me means that nothing will ever be the same. We never thought we would face challenges like these in our lives.

The YCSO Criminal Investigations Bureau is still investigating the circumstances surrounding the toddler’s death, although no charges have yet been filed, according to police.

The story is really tragic. We are praying for a speedy recovery for Cyra’s family and sending them our love and best wishes.

Cyra Rose Thoeming’s story is undeniably heartbreaking and our hearts go out to her family as they deal with the pain and grief of losing a beloved child. We extend our deepest sympathies and offer our thoughts and prayers during this time of healing. May Cyra’s memory forever shine as a beacon of light and love and may her family find strength and comfort in the midst of their immeasurable loss.

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