
It is an age that is passing and sadly it won’t ever return regardless of how diligently we attempt.

WE ARE An Age THAT Won’t ever Return.
An age that strolled to school and afterward strolled back.
An age that got their work done alone to get out quickly to play in the road.

An age that invested all their free energy in the roads with their Companions.
An age that played find the stowaway when dull.
An age that made mud cakes.

An age that gathered games cards.

An age that found, gathered, washed, and returned void Coke jugs to the neighborhood supermarket for 5 pennies every, then purchased a Mountain Dew and piece of candy with the cash.
An age that made paper plays with their uncovered hands.

An age who purchased vinyl collections to play on turn tables.
An age that thought clasping hands and a sluggish dance implied something.

An age that gathered photographs and collections of clippings of their background as a Youngster.
An age that played prepackaged games and cards on blustery days.

An age whose television went off at 12 PM subsequent to playing the Public Hymn.
An age that had guardians who were there.

An age who went to chapel and attempted to smother wild snickers and being gotten in light of the fact that you would be managed at home.
An age that giggled under the covers in bed so guardians didn’t realize we were as yet conscious.
An age that is passing and sadly it won’t ever return regardless of how diligently we attempt.
I adored Growing up when I did. it was the most ideal situation thus much blamelessness of unadulterated youthful love between a young lady and kid.

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