
I’ve Been Contacted by My Son from My Previous Marriage, but I’m Unwilling to Meet Him

Father and son share a story of love, struggle, and redemption that involves difficult decisions and unexpected outcomes.

Both face the pain of the past and try to find their path to reconciliation through emotional ups and downs and the desire for forgiveness.

“My ex-wife and I, a 45-year-old man, met when we were young. We got married at 21 and had a son at 22.

After the birth of our child, we gradually drifted apart.

When our son was about eleven or twelve, we called it quits. I don’t know why, but my wife looked shocked. We hadn’t shared a deep conversation or been intimate in about four years at that time. It has just been completed.»

“My ex kept crying and begging me to stay and it took me almost a week to move out. But I didn’t hesitate. My son didn’t want to talk to me because he was angry with me. I understand why. He thought I was hurting his mother.

He didn’t even come to visit me when I finally moved out.

I tried hard and went to see him every day, but he always told me he hated me and went to his room. He was inconsolable. A year later, the divorce was formalized. The bond was maintained 50/50. Our child was treated but it was ineffective. He was completely against me.

I would never force him to visit my house. I didn’t want him to hold a grudge against me even if I could. Even though I would play games with him and give him presents for his birthday and Christmas, he would completely ignore me because I always wanted to be there for him. He concluded by saying that I was no longer welcome at any of his meetings. I visited my ex’s residence several times, but he kept expressing his disinterest in seeing me.

“I was completely disconnected at that point. I was thrown down a long, dark path of sadness and melancholy.

My son seemed to have died.

My lowest point in life. But when I woke up one day, it was all over. When I got better, I moved on. I met my wife and the two of us now have two wonderful children. Life was wonderful again.

until my kid emailed me about a year ago. He says he regrets everything and that his son was recently born. It made him think and he saw how kind he was to his father. He wanted to reconnect and join my life. The email contained a lot more information, but for your privacy, I don’t want to reveal it.

I had no emotion when I read this email. I remained silent. Since then, he has sent about fifteen emails outlining his son’s life events and his own. Although I never answered, I felt I should at least give him some satisfaction. I haven’t sent it yet.

It works as follows:

“Dear son, please stop emailing me; I would appreciate it. I’ve had to go through hell and back to get to this place in my life. Right now, I’m really happy to have a family again. I resent you and I recognize that you feel a little shame and regret for the past.

I am not willing to deal with the difficulties that reintroducing you into my life would bring, both for my family and for me. I just can’t give you what you’re looking for. I would like to stay out of communication. I sincerely hope you understand and I wish you nothing but the best in life.


“I finally told my wife what was going on, even though I hadn’t sent it yet. After reading my proposal and all the communication she was horrified. She asked me to be vulnerable with him and not send it. She suggested I go back to therapy after our argument.

She told my parents too, which made my mom furious. She started cursing me like I was a child again.

I don’t know why he can’t understand it. She watched everything I went through and was with me the whole time.

She ended up threatening to hurt me like she hurt him.

“I couldn’t express myself. 

The story of this father and son is a powerful account of broken relationships, regret, and the lasting pain of a breakup. It is the story of a father who made the difficult decision to end his marriage, not realizing the profound impact it would have on his son. The rift that followed led to years of estrangement and emotional turmoil, with the son harboring deep resentment and refusing to reconcile.

Years later, when the son reaches out, seeking reconciliation and acknowledging his own mistakes, the father struggles with conflicting emotions. Despite the son’s attempts to reconnect and share his life development, the father tries to open up the possibility of healing old wounds. His reluctance stems from his fear of disrupting his newfound stability and happiness with his current family.

The father’s decision not to respond to his son’s emails reflects a complex mix of emotions—pain, guilt, and a desire to protect his current family from upheaval. His wife’s plea for vulnerability and reconciliation presents a challenging dilemma that contrasts with his deep-seated reservations.

Ultimately, this story underscores the lasting impact of family dynamics and the profound consequences of past decisions. It highlights the complexities of forgiveness, redemption, and the deep scars left by unresolved family feuds. Each character grapples with their pain and choices and navigates a path to understanding and closure that remains uncertain and deeply personal.

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