“Sound of Opportunity” and “Enthusiasm of the Christ” star Jim Caviezel turned down a rewarding job that would have just required hours to film for a single explanation and one explanation: Robert DeNiro was likewise projected for the scene.
“I won’t work with him,” said Caviezel, “He’s a terrible, profane man. Also it gets downright abnormal conversing with him eye to eye knowing he’s wearing 6-inch stage shoes.”
DeNiro, for those living under rocks, has been on the radar of late for his deriding remarks toward previous President Donald Trump. “He’s a little man,” said Trump, “He has no clue about how great we did. We did so great. Also, there was more great than there was great when Obama was there allowed me to tell you. That was no decent. No decent by any means.”
Caviezel says he upholds Trump’s prattling in light of the fact that he’s been picked by God to lead America. Mel Gibson concurred, however generally on the grounds that Trump isn’t Jewish. “He’s not one of them, is he?” Gibson asked as he staggered toward free drinks, “Since we va new hurr anna datsa from.”
Presently Gibson dropped in the punch. We’re as yet not totally certain where he was or why. It’s basically impossible to tell without a doubt, tragically.
ALLOD Correspondelator Tara Newhole says DeNiro had no clue any of that occurred, and other than “that Jesus film and the show with the geeky fellow from Lost,” he had never been in a similar room with Caviezel.
Caviezel was supplanted with Jim from The Workplace, who wasn’t tapped for Awesome Four. God Favor America.