Hugh Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furness, longtime partners who recently announced their amicable separation, have quietly raised their family away from the spotlight. Their enduring 27-year marriage has given them the joy of parenthood, with two children to cherish: Oscar, 23, and Ava, 18.
But are Oscar and Ava the biological offspring of Hugh and Deborra-Lee? Not quite. Deborra-Lee faced the harrowing challenge of multiple miscarriages and unsuccessful attempts at in-vitro fertilization (IVF). After years of heartache, the couple made the profound decision to embrace adoption as their path to parenthood.
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In 2012, Hugh Jackman shared their heartfelt journey, saying, “To be clear, Deb and I always wanted to adopt. So that was always in our plan.” Reflecting on their IVF struggles, he continued, “We didn’t know where in the process that would happen, but biologically, obviously, we tried.” He openly acknowledged, “It was not happening for us, and it is a difficult time. We did IVF, and Deb had a couple of miscarriages. I’ll never forget the miscarriage thing—it happens to one in three pregnancies, but it’s very, very rarely talked about.”
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The arrival of Oscar Maximilian Jackman in May 2000 marked a profound turning point for the couple, as he became their first child. Then, in 2005, they joyfully embraced Ava Eliot Jackman through adoption. In a tender moment, Jackman revealed, “All the heartache just melted away.”
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Hugh Jackman’s commitment to his family’s well-being is reflected in his views on their privileged lives. In 2018, she said, “My kids have a lot of advantages, and I want them to know that they have a responsibility to use those advantages to help others.” She added, “They always remind my kids how lucky we are in our family. We are ridiculously blessed. We live in a beautiful house in places other people dream of. But they protect their kids more from the public eye and they are rarely seen.” in pictures or their parents.” or attend public events with him.
Respecting their children’s diverse heritage has also been a priority for the couple. Deborra-Lee Furness recounted a touching moment when their son discovered his Bosnian heritage. “When my son was younger, he found out he was part Bosnian, so we went and got this Croatian/Bosnian cookbook, and he was very proud to carry that around when he was 7 years old,” she shared in 2020. Hugh Jackman acknowledged the unique challenges his children face, saying, “There is a normalcy that I was used to [growing up] that they’re not.” Their family dynamic evolved with the addition of Ava, as Jackman expressed, “It’s a different dynamic having a girl, but both are wonderful, and I’m so blessed to have a beautiful boy and girl.”
In the tale of Hugh Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furness, love, resilience, and a profound commitment to their family shine through—a story that continues to inspire.