
Missing for 12 Years: Teen Discovers Shocking Truth While Applying for College

In 2002, a little boy named Julian Hernandez went missing from his home in Alabama. His mother reported him missing after his father left a note stating that he had taken the boy with him. Julian was only five years old at the time. However, twelve long years passed with no leads or evidence that could help locate the missing boy. His mother refused to lose hope and kept searching for him tirelessly, but all leads seemed to be false.

Meanwhile, Julian was living with his biological father in Ohio, who had changed his name and assumed a false identity. The father had successfully kept Julian hidden for all these years, and the boy was reportedly happy, healthy, and leading a normal life. However, when Julian turned 18 and began applying to colleges, he discovered that his social security number did not match his name. He was puzzled by this mix-up in his personal information and sought help from a school counselor to complete his applications.

After a thorough investigation, the counselor discovered that Julian’s name was on the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children’s missing person list. It was eventually revealed that Julian had been abducted by his own father during his childhood, and his mother had been fervently searching for him ever since. It goes without saying that Julian’s mother was filled with an immense sense of joy upon learning that her son was found safe and sound after 12 long years.

When the father was caught and brought to trial, Julian asked the judge not to send him to prison. Despite growing up without a mother and feeling the pain of that absence, Julian showed remarkable forgiveness towards his father. He said that taking his father away from him would be like experiencing the same pain all over again.

In conclusion, Julian Hernandez’s story is one of hope, perseverance, and forgiveness. Despite being missing for 12 years, Julian was finally reunited with his mother, and he chose to forgive his father. This story is a reminder that forgiveness can be a powerful force that can heal wounds and bring closure to difficult situations.

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