
Mother Breaks Heartbreaking News to Daughter about Father’s Death – Years Later, Daughter Unearths Devastating Reality

Arriving home from a vacation with her husband and son, Cassie finds a mysterious note from her mother instructing her to watch a movie. Cassie’s entire existence changes when she hits play.

Finally, he wonders which of his parents he can forgive.

My father could do no wrong in my opinion. He met all my expectations and then some. Despite his many travels as a businessman, he made sure to set aside enough time for me.

“You’re my little girl, Cassie,” Dad said, putting his index finger to my nostrils. “You are the most special.

My parents went above and beyond for me and made time in their hectic schedules to make sure we had a family dinner almost every night.

When two of my school friends were going through a tumultuous divorce, it was the only thing that kept me focused.

One day after school, I said to my mother, “I think it’s trendy right now,” as she was cutting me slices of banana bread.

She laughed and said, “Casi, you can’t think divorce is trendy.” “It’s devastating and traumatic and very few families really keep things civil.”

“I’m just saying it’s trendy because a lot of kids live between two houses,” I said. “It’s one of the things we talked about in class today.

The world looked more dramatic than it should have at fourteen.

What I didn’t know, however, was that my notes seemed like a spell hovering over our house.

My father left for a business trip a few weeks after that conversation. News of his death emerged hours after he left.

“How?” | he asked. “How did he die?”

“Cassie, I’m not sure what to tell you,” she replied. “I’m just saying what the paramedics told me.

“What are we going to do next?” he asked.

Confused by the question, she asked, “What do you mean?”

“For the funeral?” he asked. “Shall we have one?”

“I don’t think so,” my mom replied.

“My father wished to be cremated and have his ashes scattered on the beach. Let’s do that instead.”

Even though my mother knew my father best, I couldn’t understand why she would want to do this.

And the more I thought about it, the more beautiful and nostalgic a private ceremony on the beach seemed.

My mother replied, “Don’t be hard, Cassie,” as she noticed me considering my next course of action.

“I’m not,” I replied. “Actually. I was just considering it. Mom, that’s a really good idea.”

I could stand up to her for what I thought was a more fitting farewell. But what good would that do? He ended up getting lost for both of us.

My father was our entire universe, so the months after the beach ceremony seemed difficult and I knew I was going into a serious depression. And above all, his absence was felt.

However, I finally accepted it.

Last week I decided to book a cabin in the woods for a little family getaway.

Despite the glory of nature, I knew I wasn’t going to camp in a tent without a bathroom, even though my son was sure camping was the best new thing.

Alternatively, I believed a cabin would be an ideal choice; my husband Derek could camp outside with our son Drew if he insisted.

Since we had a dog, I asked my mother to take care of Romeo for a week so that we could relax and feel safe.

My mind was more than restored in a week, and when we finally returned home, I was shocked to find that my mother had disappeared. It was as if she had never been there.

However, there was a letter under the TV remote on the coffee table.

Cassie, pay attention. I am sorry. – Mother 

I had no idea what was in store for me, but I turned on the TV and started watching what my mother had prepared while Derek helped Drew into the tub.

My father was there, his voice a long-lost song, his image aged but still very much him, as the television flashed to life.

I was overcome with a mixture of happiness and disbelief as I realized he was still alive and tears streamed down my face.

The message of the video was incredibly inscrutable.

Hello, Cassie. I stay here, I live. I sincerely apologize for the suffering my loss must have caused you. However, it was required. The dirty reality of my past demanded that I be cut out of your existence.

Ask your mother the truth; she is the one who knows everything.

My health is steadily deteriorating and I would really like to see you so we can talk about it.

Dad, I love you.

I grabbed my car keys and ran outside without saying anything to Derek or Drew. My mom had to explain things to me.

“I suppose you have some questions for me,” she commented as she opened the door.

“Tell me everything,” I said.

Cassie, that weighs a lot. “Are you sure you want to do this now? You look tired from the trip,” she said.

I nodded. It was now or never. I had to find out why my father had staged his own death so I could leave our family.

My mother brought shortbread and made us tea.

“Honey,” she said. “I understand if you don’t forgive me, but there is so much time that I have to tell you.”

As I sipped my tea, I tried to process the information my mother had given me.


“I remember you telling me about your boyfriend’s parents getting divorced.” “Do you remember that?” the woman asked.

I nodded. Naturally, I did. It was the weirdest, but I saw it all the time at school.

That being said, your father and I were not legally married. When I told him about our conversation about the divorce, he was relieved. Divorce wouldn’t exist if people weren’t married.”

“What’s the big deal?” I asked.

“Then I found out that the real reason we didn’t get married was because your father was already married to another woman.

“What?” I screamed and almost knocked my cup over. “Whom?”

“To a woman in the city where he always had business trips.

“Didn’t you know?” she asked not believing what she said.

She screamed, “Of course not!” “When I asked him about it, he chose that family over us.

So I informed him that his death would be the subject of a story.”

Neither of us spoke for a while.

It turns out that my mother informed him that she would never be honest with me, especially since he was my favorite. She couldn’t burst my bubble.

And she wouldn’t let him see me again.

My mother remarked, “You had better think it was an accident.” “It just made more sense.

Now I knew why there was no funeral for him.

“So what did we throw into the sea?” | he asked.

“Dust,” she said with a serious expression.

My mother spoke to him twice over the years. The second case happened a day ago.

My father told her that he was sick and that he would die soon. He also asked her to give me the tape. Torn between love and remorse, my mother decided to write me a note and set the answering machine so I could review it.

“I’d take that secret to my grave,” she replied. “But knowing he was sick and wanted to see you did something to me.

I went to the state where my father and his other family lived because I felt compelled to face the truth of his existence.

I spent several weeks with my father, visiting him in and out of hospitals, watching him take various medications, and observing his daily loss of strength.

I sat at his bedside and listened to his experiences, his regrets, his happy moments, and his love for all his children, including me.

I asked Derek to travel with Drew when things started going south. Even if it’s only for a short while, at least I’ll know that my son has met my father.

My father died a few days later.

I’m not sure I’ve forgiven him for leading a double life to this day. All I know is that I wanted to be with him when it all came down to it. I pushed my emotions aside, hoping to find memories that I could understand later.

But now that things have calmed down, I’m trying to decide whether or not to forgive my mom for lying.

how would you answer

Here is one more fairy tale for you. Celine must deal with the weight of her grief after her father dies. Everywhere she looks there are pieces of her father. She discovers that on her many visits to the cemetery, there are always fresh flowers left.

In life, we often encounter complex relationships and face difficult decisions about forgiveness. Cassie’s journey to discover the truth about her father’s double life and her mother’s long-standing secret highlights the multifaceted nature of love, trust, and betrayal.

As Cassie struggles with her emotions, she reflects on her past and the impact of her parents’ actions on her present. The revelation about her father’s second family and her mother’s concealment of the truth shatters the idealized image she had of her father and forces her to reevaluate her relationship with both parents.

Cassie’s experience teaches us that forgiveness is not always easy. It is a process that involves understanding the motivation behind people’s actions and recognizing the pain they have caused. In the case of her father, Cassie chooses to spend his final days with him, seeking closure and perhaps even a semblance of reconciliation. Her decision to bring her son to meet his grandfather, despite her unresolved feelings, shows her desire to bridge the gap between the past and the present.

As for her mother, the road to forgiveness is more complicated. Cassie’s mother kept the secret to protect her, believing it was in Cassie’s best interest. Yet this well-intentioned deception also caused Cassie deep emotional turmoil. Cassie must overcome her mixed feelings and weigh her mother’s protective instincts against the betrayal she feels.

Cassie’s story is a poignant reminder that forgiveness is deeply personal and multifaceted. It includes not only forgiving others but also forgiving yourself for judgments and decisions made in moments of confusion and pain. Cassie’s journey encourages us to embrace empathy, seek understanding, and find a way to move forward even when forgiveness seems fleeting.

In the end, Cassie is left to consider her next steps. Will she forgive her mother for years of deceit? Can she reconcile the love she feels for her father with the hurt he caused? These are questions that may not have immediate answers, but Cassie’s willingness to face them is a testament to her resilience and strength.

How would you react if you were Cassie? Forgiveness is a journey and each person’s journey is unique. Maybe Cassie’s story will inspire you to think about your own relationships and the power of forgiveness in your life.

Here is one more fairy tale for you. Celine must deal with the weight of her grief after her father dies. Everywhere she looks there are pieces of her father. She discovers that on her many visits to the cemetery, there are always fresh flowers left.

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